Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January Happenings

New Year's Day

We enjoyed New Year's Day watching the Rose Bowl Parade!

Arbor Hills

The kids and I ventured to Arbor Hills the week after New Year's. While Makin had a full class schedule (his teacher is a workhorse ;) ) we had more time because Lorelei had not started back up with her extra classes or activities yet. We had a sunny warm (ish) day so we got outside! This trip was all about "the crawler" who is now named Lil' Red as well as scouting out sites for the movie Lorelei plans to film with her friends.

New Book Release

They were so excited to read the next book in one of their favorite series!

Cold Temps

We had lots of cold-temperature days in a row (for Texas) so we did attempt to try frozen bubbles without much success.

Toss Toss

This age...always gotta be flipping/tossing something.

Lunch Date

Brad and I are terrible about fitting in dates even now that the kids are old enough to stay home on their own...but we fit one in while they babysat for someone else? Whatever works. We checked out an Irish pub and enjoyed some yummy stew. 


It was ManeGait night at the Legends basketball game so we decided to check it out. It was pretty chaotic but was still great to get a chance to see what it was all about. It was an exciting game to watch!

Mom's Night In/Dad Kid's Evening Out

I organized a movie night afternoon/evening so Brad and the kids played games at the coffee shop and went to the movie Migration while the moms were at our place.

Winter Themed Read Aloud

This was a fun winter book recommedation we enoyed that included a bit of history too!

Lego Club

This month included a specific challenge of "Nature-Inspired Engineering" which was a great fit for Makin. He decided to go with a butterfly showing mimicry - if made into an actual robot it would be an "Undercover Butterfly" that could study the migration patterns etc as it traveled along with other real butterflies. He programmed it so that if you waved your hand in front of the eyes the wings would flap.

HS Hang Out

We met up for lunch for a HS hangout one Friday. Lorelei has lots of friends from HOPE but is still working on meeting new friends through our social homeschool group. So thankful she is excited to meet new friends even when she has to be brave :)


Winter is a great time to fit in extra game time!

Ninja Nation

Makin enjoyed a couple hours at Ninja Nation with our homeschool group.


We got rained out most of January but finally fit in one day of horseback!

Warmer Weather

Most Texas winters there is at least one warm-up with a few days in the 70s and we are SO thankful for this. We had one of those at the end of January and were so glad to get out and enjoy it as much as we could!

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