Monday - here is when I started needing something to help my sanity. We made a trip to Micheal's and found a few things we could use. Had seen an idea of "water painting" so got a few foam sponges and Lorelei was entertained for about 10 minutes, but at least it was something! She liked stirring more than painting. Then when Brad got home they used side walk chalk on the balcony while I made supper. This was the night the MOMS group was having a game night at our house, so we were also trying to get ready for that. Well only ONE of the ladies showed up, so we just sat and visited for a while. Was a bit disappointed but I guess that's more margarita's for me right? :)

I should mention with the photo that Lorelei has also become a TV junkie like her father! I'm trying to limit it and need to find a better hiding place for the dvds...she has found all of them and then hands me the dvd and whines for me to put it in! It is the only thing that keeps her quiet and sitting/standing still so sometimes its a much needed sanity break.
Tuesday - Went to the beach with our friends Melissa, Chase and Kira. We had not been in over a month! Lorelei dragged me around everywhere and ate a lot of sand as usual. She also got to pet a dog which was probably one of her highlights.
Wednesday - MOMS group play day at the park. It is still very hot and humid but we trudged out to the park today. :) We were very thankful for the shade. Lorelei was so excited as soon as she saw where we were. She walked as quickly as her legs could carry her to the swings. Then she enjoyed dragging me all over the playground. Up the stairs, down the slide...again, again, again! :) Glad she can enjoy the playground, but they should make those slides a bit easier for moms to crawl into! She also saw some dogs and dragged me quickly in their direction (this was exciting enough to take her away from the playground) and then later she was fascinated by a man raking up pine needles. It was as intriguing as the vacuum at our house.
Thursday - Big consignment sale. We got there almost an hr early and were still the 38th person in line. Very thankful they gave us numbers so we didn't have to stand in the hot sun. Found a few good deals and lots of books. She always plays in her clothes when we bring them home and also tries to put her shirts on over her head. :) The picture is showing her attempting this.
This afternoon was a complete change, so the teeth must have given her a break. She screamed the entire sale, but then after nap (which was very short) she was like a little angel and we were wondering where our child was. :) It was sooo nice to have a peaceful night and hope we have a lot more. She was trying to climb on her lion so we lowered it for her to ride, can't quite push hard enough with her feet but had fun anyway. :)

Lows: teething; heat/humidity; missing my extended family who is all together in Wisconsin partying for Grandma's birthday!
Highs: going out for steaks tonight to celebrate getting Brad's bonus!; excited to go visit our Nebraska family in a week! (and finding out Lorelei gets to be Hannah's show and tell!)
Quote: (I overheard Brad saying to Lorelei on the moniter) "Have you ever heard of a pain in the drain?"
Lorelei's hair looks so long in the picture of her on the lion! Hope you have a better weekend than you did week :)