We have not had a very eventful couple of days, but eventful enough to write about I guess! Monday started out a little crazy as I was headed out to the MOMS club meeting and could not find my keys! I am not really one of those people who looses their keys every day...turned the apt upside down looking for them. The bright side was I got the diaper bag all cleaned out! I looked for probably 30 minutes and finally found them wedged behind the black table at our front door. I had looked on the floor below it thinking they had fallen, but apparently they hadn't made it all the way down. We didn't make it to the meeting since I didn't want to go in late. Instead we played for a while and then ran over to Barnes and Noble to get a book and magazine for my flight on Friday.
I should also mention she managed to climb up onto her basket full of blankets for the first time today. Only got a picture with the cell phone since I couldn't really leave her up there. The climbing begins!
We also picked up a mat to use in the bathtub that night so it was Lorelei's first time using the big tub! She seems to really love having more space and is fascinated with the silver naturally. We also got a cover for the spout so she wont hit her head.
Tuesday we had a very messy lunch...this is somewhat normal but she seemed to want to put it in her hair a lot today. Then when I took a video she did another one of her tricks for you as well so you get two for one! :)
We also had our friends Carly and Silas over for a visit that afternoon. He enjoyed checking out all of the toys and Lorelei shared very well. :) After Brad got home we all went swimming. Then we just let Lorelei hang out while we were making supper. She has been wanting to go out on the balcony ALL THE TIME now. She goes to the door and points the the knob and whines until we take her out. Guess she is communicating at least! She is definitely an outdoor girl. I've gotten over worrying about her being on the hard wood, she walks most of the time (with help) so its not too bad.
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