We enjoyed a three day weekend this weekend. We didn't really do anything too exciting, but did get to a park Monday while the weather was fairly nice. Still a little cold for my taste, but needed to get the munchkin some fresh air. Sunday afternoon Brad also took Lorelei for a walk to the nearby pet stores to get her outside a little more (we had already gotten some balcony/slide time) and I got to get a few more chores done. Mt. Trashmore was our pick of parks for Monday simply because it doesn't have any trees and we needed all the sunshine we could get! Lorelei had a great time and even went down the swirly slide by herself. So much easier when one parent can send her down and the other can catch her. :) She hasn't quiet gotten sitting and starting on those slides yet so makes me a bit nervous to send her up alone when we go. She also had a great time "cooking" macaroni and cheese (wood chips of course) at the little table they have set up there that is always a huge hit. Now we girls will have to tough it out without Brad the rest of the week...getting more than my fill of Elmo these winter days!
Tidbits: This week Lorelei has started pointing at different things to count them. She does good up to three, but when its more than that will point to the same thing more than once. Still gets the idea though!
Latest words: Shoe, foot, knee
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