Just another cheesy picture. Have not been doing too hot with the pictures this week so you'll have to lower your standards. :)
Silas and Carly came over to play! Naturally I didn't remember to take a picture until they were ready to leave and Silas was ready to sleep. Lorelei did a great job sharing and I think only made him cry once. :) Plus that was when he was already really tired, so they are getting along much better. :)
Since Lorelei no longer wants to stay in her crib until 7 as I was enjoying so much for a while, I have yet to get motivated enough to get my hair dried and make up done before she is up...going to have to work on that but 5 am (in order to shower and let Brad get ready too) is just so unappealing. I know that you farmers are thinking piece of cake but THERE IS A REASON I DIDN'T MARRY A FARMER! :) Anyway, this is her having fun playing around while I was getting ready. Brad had tried to set up the tv so we could watch an episode online, so the keyboard was out for her to enjoy. Looks like she is ready for her own computer. :) It kept her entertained for at least 5 minutes.
Playing I Spy for you...didn't get to as many as I would have liked, but she was already loosing enthusiasm because we had already played for a bit and done the same ones I was asking her here. You may not be able to tell she is really pointing to John Deere but she does know it! She kinda points in the general area but couldn't get her to do it better...figure I'll take what I can get. :)
Here she is playing at the Children's museum! We went there this morning for moms club and the kids all stayed totally entertained in two smallish rooms with trains and foamy playing mats for two hours. Yay! At only $3 we will definitely be going back some more the upcoming cold months. Will get better pictures then too!
Lows: Lorelei's lack of sleep/less time for me!, Brad working overtime
Highs: having hot showers again! (we had been putting up with lukewarm for several weeks, maybe a couples of months and I finally asked maintenence to look at it and they are ordering a part for the inside of the shower...who knew that could break?...but we realized we can use the guest bathroom and it DOES have hot water...if only we realized this earlier, but at last we can enjoy it now!), Lorelei knowing the actions for "Twinkle Twinkle"....she was doing them as I was trying to sing her to sleep...guess going to have to take that song off the list for bedtime. :), Library time scheduled every week to look forward too, watching epsidoes of "Chuck" with Brad to catch up before the new season starts this weekend! woo hoo! :)
I love watching Chuck - so excited it's coming back this weekend.