We have had a rough week at our house! Wednesday afternoon Lorelei took a crazy long 4 hour nap. I was just thinking it was a God-thing since Brad was having to work late that night, and we had gone to the beach in the morning so maybe it finally wore her out (usually we are lucky to get a 2 hr nap and checking her breathing after 2 1/2 hrs. :) ) so thanks to my mom I finally realized I should check Lorelei's temp and sure enough, fever of about 102. Needless to say she and I vegged out the rest of the night before getting to sleep. The next day we made our trip to the pediatrician and they determined it was a virus so all we could do was give her meds to keep the fever down.
The fever went up and down for about three days, which included a total lack of appetite most of the time and also tons of tv time...then making us the most miserable Saturday morning at 4 am when we ended up giving her a bath just to get the temp down and then the rest of the day was off with all of us feeling weird from our off sleep hours (oh dear it reminded me of the soon to come middle of the night feedings and not looking forward to that again!). Sunday afternoon she finally seemed to get back to herself so we should be good to go!
These pictures are from the pizza we had tonight, so you can tell Lorelei is definitely doing better. :) Brad thinks its amusing to use Lorelei to get his way so after he changed her he said "What do you want to tell Mommy?" and she proudly said "P!" I was shocked and of course sure that meant he wanted pizza. :) I gave in this time but next round I'll be strong. :)
A few stories I have been jotting down...
- Lorelei now lets us know when something is for her, or if we need to include her...for example Brad was walking to do something somewhere else in the house and she followed him out of the room saying "Meee! Meee!" as in "Me too!" or "Don't forget me!"
- The other day I had put the large yogurt in the trash and as usual the trash was pretty full so to make you feel better, there was no other trash mixed in or that it had touched...a bit later I caught Lorelei with container in hand, licking some of the yogurt out of the container that had been in the trash! It was pretty funny but I did remind her we do not take food out of the trash and eat it. :)
Low/Story: I was trying to clean up Lorelei's tray and put things back in the frig and Lorelei was impatiently waiting while throwing things from the frig onto the floor. I asked her to pick up one of the items and, not thinking she would do it immediately after I asked her, then started to open the frig JUST as she bent down to pick up the item as asked and sure enough BAM smacked her right in the head with the frig door. I felt so horrible! She did cry a bit but no red marks or trips to the ER thankfully.
High/Story: Lorelei has had her own tradition for quite some time now...Brad always strips her down to get ready for bath and she loves to just come running out here to me proud as can be in her birthday suit. There is just something kids love about that isn't there? Well, of course I always react accordingly and then she gives me a kiss before happily sprinting back to the bathroom for bath. A little while back she did this usual tradition, running out gleefully to me before her bath, then gave me the usual kiss, then wanted a butterfly kiss (had been showing her them again that day) so she held her cheek out, then I gave her one, immediately followed by "more." :) So after two butterfly kisses she scampered away squealing. Its so hard to describe but I almost teared up right then for such a sweet loving moment from her. Just trying so hard to cherish this age. We love that little girl!
So happy Miss Lorelei is feeling better!