Lorelei was excited of course, but didn't really realize what we were doing. Apparently so excited she couldn't go back to sleep when waking us up at 5am (my second day in a row) so we had plenty of time to get ready and have breakfast. She had a wonderful time. Our game plan was to do the dry rides in the morning and then hit the water rides after lunch...of course this seemed to be everyone else's plan as well, so we had a few long lines to deal with (try explaining that to a toddler, but she definitely was not alone) but she enjoyed the rides we went on, especially the teacups and carousel. :) We also went to three shows and the parade over both days. We actually ended up doing all but one show on Saturday. She loved the shows. That would probably have to be my favorite part of the park as well.
Okay well I will try and walk you through our weekend with the various pictures. :)
Our first stop when getting to the park was to visit the small recreation of the actual "street". Just a few cute pics from there, plus one of her trying to get Oscar to come out of his can. She was not too happy the lid wouldn't open. :)

She had a great time on all the rides as well. We did the teacups and carousel both days and thankfully didn't have any long lines the second day. The one of Brad pushing her is a little "train" in the Twiddle Bugs area...the kids are supposed to move the handle to make their own car go, but obviously she couldn't really do that. Brad ended up pushing about 5 kids around by the time he got around the track. :) Guess he got a good work out!

The water was WONDERFUL to cool off on the warm days we had. Lorelei wanted nothing to do with all of the water getting in her face though. Even on the lazy river Brad had to steer us away from any water that would get on our face, as Lorelei was clinging on for dear life. She much preferred the little wave pools where she could just splash around. Sunday we decided to try Count's Splash Castle first so it would be less crowded. We did take her up the stairs but it was basically a huge shower of water on her so she was very unhappy. Brad enjoyed going down the huge water-slides a few times while Lorelei and I watched from the sidelines. :) His face was hilarious each time he got to the bottom so I tried to catch a picture of it. :)

We enjoyed the parade on Saturday afternoon. As you can see we are almost sitting in front of Hooper's Store. :) It was a lot of fun to watch and Lorelei's first chance at seeing the characters up close.

The Shows! The three shows they have are Elmo's World Live, Abby Cadabby's Treasure Hunt and Elmo Rocks...all of them were a huge hit! Brad and I most enjoyed Elmo Rocks because they sang a lot of fun songs that grown ups would know, plus Lorelei could go up front. So much fun!

One of Lorelei's most favorite things to do by far...see her friends! Somehow we totally missed seeing them all on Saturday. Most of them are on the street during the main part of the day, but since we did the street first thing, we apparently didn't make our way back there when they were around. Realizing this when we were ready to leave, our main goal Sunday was to make sure she saw each character. :) She had no hesitation going up and giving them all hugs and kisses. Some of you may notice we do not have an Abby picture. :( Long story short we waited an extra 45 minutes when told she would be appearing for pictures and when we got there, she had apparently been there a while already and was about to take a break so we did not get to take a picture with her. Needless to say this made an already very tired toddler pretty upset, but worse things could happen right? :) Hopefully we can meet Abby another day. :) The characters were so great and Lorelei loved it!

Big thanks to Sara and Mike for their tips for the park!
We are so blessed that we were able to take this trip for our girl. :)
Looks like a ton of fun! I want to go!