Lorelei now gets very excited when I tell her we are going to "the gardens" as I call it. She remembers what that means, so this morning as soon as I mentioned it she said flow (flower) pree (pretty) and continued to say "go" and try to drag me out the door. Tried to get it on video but only got the flow part and then she wanted to see the video of herself. If it makes you feel better I WAS at a stoplight. :)
I have a confession. I'm now officially IN LOVE and on my way to addicted to Starbucks. :( I normally would do great avoiding it until Pumpkin Spice Lattes were in season, but now I have discovered that that little kick of caffeine (and I even get half decaf because of baby of course) can really help my morning along as being pregnant with a toddler is exhausting... and also discovered the Black and White Mocha...and the Cinnamon Chip scone...yeah we are in trouble! I have also gotten Lorelei understanding what the scone is so this morning in the drive through she was saying "co! co!" Somehow I will resist most of the time because of calories and finances, but oh it was much needed this morning!
Lorelei and I watching airplanes take off at a little look out in the Botanical Gardens. She got to see one plane and was very excited. "Big!" was her reaction. :)
Can you believe it!? They are all looking somewhat the direction of the camera and no one is crying! :) Love these beautiful guys. :)
We made this a moms event for our playgroup this week and intended to play in the water, but it ended up being cloudy and cool so we just enjoyed the other things in the children's garden, such as the swings. :) As usual Lorelei was happy just to run around and dig in the dirt.
The Bonfiglio's had to head home but the Check girls and Stahl girls stayed for a picnic under a wonderful tree. I can't believe how much our girls have grown up since last spring's trip here! One of these days we will have to take them back to their bench for a photo shoot. :) As you can see they enjoyed their lunch (sort of, basically ate each other's snacks) and had fun just walking around under out tree canopy. :) Very relaxing noon hour before heading home!
P.S. I'm very nervous to say anything, but Lorelei has been taking better naps! She has worked her way gradually back to about 1 1/2 hrs, but I'm also medicating her for her teeth pain right before nap. Hopefully the nap rebellion is over...for now at least! :)
We had so much fun! We need to go back in a few weeks!