We have all known we have a very strong willed girl on our hands, but the last few days have been pushing me to the limit. This week Lorelei has progressively taken shorter and shorter naps, until Thursday, when she then refused to take any nap whatsoever! She screamed for about 1 1/2 hrs before I finally tried putting her in bed with me reading books...which lasted for a few books but then she was quickly getting up to go and play. A couple of weeks before this she would happily go down for naps, sleep for usually 1 1/2 hr and then happily go to bed at night. Well now happily does not seem to be in her vocabulary. To make things even more fun, she is also progressively waking up earlier each morning. Today (Friday) she refused to go back to sleep after waking us up at 5:45. Not sure how either of us are going to react tomorrow having to wake up at 5:30 AM on a Saturday. Umph.
Thankfully I have the internet these days, and put out a plea on facebook, as well as looked up some information at babycenter.com....other moms have had this problem around this age! The general consensus is that it is a phase trying to exert her independence even more, and I need to stick to my guns and keep the routine as much as possible. From the sounds of it for most people it lasted a week or so...so I guess I'll see where we are at by the end of next week. I can reassure you she needs the sleep...this morning she fell asleep in the car on the ride home from the doc, and then after an hour of reading and rocking and telling stories this afternoon (and her telling me "eyes, nigh nigh", her eyes were tired, but NO that didn't mean she needed a nap), she fell asleep on my lap, only to start her fits as soon as I tried putting her in the crib. She does need her sleep!
Hopefully I can last through this phase as well...and I guess I should be thankfully (HOPEFULLY) that it isn't happening with a new baby in the house when I'm severely sleep deprived?! :) Will keep you posted!
Good luck today!