She surprised us by doing amazingly well and ended up getting out one of her baby dolls. She pretended so well and put her doll in the shopping cart calling it a stroller, laid the blanket down for bed and then went and got one of her stuffed animals for the doll to sleep with, and also sat her down with her to "play" per her request with the puzzle at the table. Oh and lets not forget the ride on her zebra...she could have been taking a real baby on a horse she did so good with it! :) It was amazing and I can't wait to see her with her baby brother...although so not the same I know! Also can't wait for some new baby accessories and then I really think playing house will take off. Then when I told her it was bath time and baby needed to go to bed she bundled her up and said "night night" and gave her a kiss. :)
A few mentionable moments:
Brad was telling Lorelei to say "bye bye water" after her bath (this usually makes for a better transition getting away from something if she is wanting to stay...hopefully no fits involved). So she told the water bye and then proceeded to say "bye bye light, bye bye mir (mirror)."
Pretty much every morning Lorelei and I are in the kitchen and I put away dishes etc while she eats her breakfast. I usually ask, "Do we need some music?" and have been asking her that probably since she was old enough to sit in the high chair...the other morning she surprised me by saying "nee!" and pointing to the stereo telling me we needed some music! :)
Lorelei seems to be getting more and more cause/effect concepts and also pushing many boundaries lately...as to be expected I suppose. One of the things she has done a few times is when I tell her something like, "you can't sit on that or it will break" she then responds with "try" :) usually shaking her head yes and look at me to make sure she wont be in big trouble. This was pretty amusing at the beach when she requested to sit on the sand castle Brad made and of course you can imagine the result. :)
Okay, I also have to share an amusing story that has nothing to do with our daughter but hopefully it will at least make you smile...my sister passed it along to me from a coworker. His son was playing baseball...which was apparently not HIS idea but his parents...so after he hit the ball and was running to the base he yelled very tragically and dramatically, "I JUST WANT TO BE A PALEONTOLOGIST!!!" :) Hope you all found it as amusing as I did.
Okay marathon blog session is now over and hopefully I won't be so long winded next time. ;)
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