Okay I have to have a mom happy/brag moment now. This may look like a pile of junk on a table I need to put away...oh believe me it is, but this exact scene brought a huge smile to my face. I was attempting to clean up a bit and started to set the magazine on this table when Lorelei came over wanting to look at it...it had sock monkeys on the front after all...I guess I just assumed it would be on the floor when she was done but no...I noticed the magazine put right back on the table where I was starting to put it to begin with. Sigh...nothing like having your almost-2-year-old clean up after herself without a word from an adult. She did the same thing when putting away a book and trying to hang her diaper stacker back up on the drawer knob...LOVE IT. Believe me there are many MANY more times when she does not want to clean up but I am just trying to cherish the few moments when she does it all on her own. :)
She's a rockstar!! Already preparing to help with her baby brother.