Since Heather had never been to DC we decided it would be good to make a quick trip while she was here. We were able to be gone just two days, as there were only about four things Heather really wanted to see. We left early Saturday morning and made it in threeish hours. At that point we were saying "boy we could do this way more often if we wanted to"...but on the way home it took over 5 hours because of traffic, so I think it may be our last trip there for now. I did want to make sure to get pictures of our family there, so we can tell the kids "look how little you were the last time you went to DC" just in case they make trips as teens and beyond. :) And here we go...
After arriving Saturday around 11 we headed right to a parking spot close to The National Archives where we could see the Declaration of Independence. We had a few lines to deal with, but eventually all of us got to see it at one point or another. :) Then after both kids took a snooze while we attempted to find parking near the Lincoln Memorial, we headed there to see the "big statue". Lorelei is very into statues lately. Not really sure what started that, but it was a good time to be into statues! :) We had planned to try the White House this day also, but by that time it was almost dark and we were ready to call it a day.
Around The National Archives. We could not take pics inside. :( We did get some pics from the street with the Capitol Building in the background. Lorelei hugging a statue her size. She said "ice cream!" :)

The Lincoln Memorial Visit

We opted to just chill out and eat in the hotel for the night. Lorelei was thrilled to be at a hotel and as always, the phone was a huge hit. It was great having Heather to help keep her entertained. Makin was very content to spread out and watch some football. :) Around bedtime I was giving Brad a look like "what on earth were we thinking?!" as I realized we had not gone to a hotel with such a young baby, let along with a 2 year old as Makin was crying and Lorelei could not fall asleep as a result, I was shaking my head thinking NEVER AGAIN but it all got worked out and they actually let us sleep-in the next morning. :)

Fun with Aunt Heather
We headed to walk from our hotel to the White House. The perk of our hotel was that it was close to a lot of things. We found the back first and took a few pics, then when we went around to the front some guy hit his head on a pole and needed an ambulance, so they closed off the area in front. Sooo all we have are "back of the White House" pics. :) The national tree was not decorated yet, but I guess I'm glad since we could not have seen them anyway! :)

Then we trekked over to the Museum of Natural History. Its great that there are so many free things to do in this city! I wasn't huge on the animals, but enjoyed the dino exhibit. As we walked under the huge tyrannosaurus Lorelei said "T REX!" :) Uncle A.J. will be so proud. Hope you enjoy the pics of me posing as asked while Lorelei smiles and does not roar or make big jaws... :) The choral reef was was crochet coral reef made of various materials, some of which would normally be sent to the trash, as the lady showed us a piece she made from a cassette tape.

Brad made his way over to the hotel while we finished at the museum and then made a quick drive by to pick us up and head on our 5+ hour journey home. Thankfully we had the DVD player and Makin slept. It could have been way worse.
Teaching Lorelei to backseat drive on the way home. Sorry for how unenthusiastic and tired I look. :) She is already a backseat driver most of the time and tells me to "go, drive fast" name it. :)