We bundled the kids up (and now I know Lorelei needs a new winter coat!) and started walking to the children's garden. They played on frogs, dug up dirt to put into the flower boxes for the little house, ran through the caterpillar "tunnel" and of course, Lorelei found yet another sandbox.
Side note: We watched Snow Buddies Sunday night and I decided that if Lorelei were a buddy, she would definitely be Mudbud. ;)
And where was Makin through all of this? He decided to keep with the theme of the weekend and have a "sleepathon" in the carseat/stroller the entire time from getting onto the highway on the way there until we got home. Ahhh...peace.

Perfect picture to show how much fun they had. :)

A few cute pics I snuck of Lorelei while in "the hut"

Although we definitely still had our share of tantrums, it made Saturday morning go by much faster and we survived until Brad got home. :)
Looove that hair!!!