We can't say enough of how thrilled we are to get to go to Williamsburg and experience Christmas Town!
I will just start with a disclaimer...there are actually very few pictures of our trip this year. Right before leaving the house I checked the camera and no "low battery" was showing up on the screen...about about 30 minutes into our visit, it started showing up! Brad said, "we should have brought the extra battery." WHAT EXTRA BATTERY!? All this time and we have an extra battery!? Well, I can assure you that battery will be put somewhere close by from now on. :)
We had even more fun this year. For one, because Lorelei was older and super excited, and also because we knew what to expect and had a pretty good game plan of how we would spend our time there. It was also wonderful because we were able to go during the week. While it was still plenty crowded, it was WAY less than it was last year.
We got there nice and early and we had plenty of time before the first Sesame Street show at 3:30, so we went over and saw the Clydesdale horses. Lorelei LOVED the horses. We went in to the barn three different times because she wanted to see them again and again and not leave. She even got to ride a little Clydesdale ride all by herself! She had the biggest smile and giggle and kept saying "Hi Mommy!"

Top Left: Lorelei is infatuated with maps. Pretty much every piece of paper we have becomes a map around the house...so she was thrilled to actually have a real map to look at!
Then we headed back to the SS show. She had been saying ALL DAY - "See Abby!" and I warned her that last time she just got to meet Elmo, so she might have to just see Abby during the show...well to her delight THERE WAS ABBY! She got to go up and see them both but basically ignored Elmo for the first minute or so. Abby even tickled her face with her wand. She was a very happy girl. It worked out to wake up and feed Makin in the nice toasty theater while Lorelei watched the show. So fun!

Right after the show we headed to the train. This was the ride we missed last year so wanted to make sure we got to do it, and were hoping to take it twice, once in the daylight and once in the dark. Lorelei enjoyed it but Makin was not too thrilled with the cold breeze and was soon back to sleep once I had him covered with a blanket (don't worry, was already wrapped up in his parka!). Then after the ride he was content to sleep all bundled up in his car seat the rest of the night.
We went to explore and even got to stop by and see a couple of character penguins (no pic again) which was a lot of fun. She also rode the carousel and absolutely loved it. She loved yelling, "Hi Daddy!" and waving as we went past him. She didn't even want her mom holding onto her during the ride, but I insisted as they didn't even have belts on!

After some whining and crying from Lorelei and coercing from Brad I finally gave in and let him get some S more's popcorn. It made both of them so happy I was wishing I had done it an hour before. Apparently I just need to keep my family fed and we will have much happier campers. Lorelei loved carrying the popcorn on her own and it was hilarious as she would walk along to get the popcorn out of the bucket, but then have to stop to actually get it in her mouth.
We finally made it to the end with the huge Christmas tree (Germany I believe?) and were headed inside to get good seats when a nice man made sure to let us know, "the tree is about to sing" so we stayed just outside the front door and what a show! They had an entire lights show with various Christmas songs and the tree being lit up a million different colors and ways to go along with the music. Too hard to describe, but it was amazing!
Then we headed in and got to enjoy a show with singing and dancing while Lorelei ate some pizza and we had a few snacks. This explains the sauce all over her face for the following pictures. ;) They sang almost every Christmas song you can think of in so many different styles and there were dancers who danced along and changed outfits at least 4 times. They had to have lost 30 lbs per person this month with all that running they were doing and how many times they do that show per night! Needless to say there was plenty of action and fun to keep Lorelei entertained. I loved the circular stage where the band sat and then were raised up and played live for all of the show. There are so many amazing shows we would love to go to here. It would be an awesome date night. Maybe someday!

We headed back and decided to forgo the extra train ride for time and freezing cold purposes, but ended up hitting up taking a second carousel ride, per Lorelei's request, and a SECOND Sesame Street show, which happened to be perfect timing to feed and change Makin before heading home. Lorelei loved it the second time as well of course, AND got to go and sit with her favorite friends one more time. This time she paid a little more attention to Elmo. ;)

A great night!