Try as I might...I cannot help but compare Makin to Lorelei. I hope that its a typical mom thing. I seemed to think I'd have it figured out for the second child and that they would be very similar...already have been proven wrong in so many ways! Lorelei was rolling over a few days after Thanksgiving...Makin does not seem even close yet. To give him some credit, he has gotten very little floor time. Partially because I just haven't made it a priority and partially because when we are home to get some, I'm a bit worried to leave the room with him on the floor with Big Sister playing nearby. :) I'm working on making sure to give him some extra time during nap as much as possible and he really loves it. I'm not in that much of a rush and just trying to cherish this baby stage as long as I can, as I know it will go all too fast. Besides...this could mean he is way more laid back right? ;)
Totally a typical mom thing! Leah is not much of a roller -- I don't remember exactly when she first rolled over but it was really late. I think it was around 4.5/5 months. And she's only rolled over a handful of times. Our ped said it was totally normal, some babies just don't really like to roll.