Yep, he is one of those babies. The ones I could never believe hearing about when people would tell me their kids would sleep better in the car. Lorelei HATED the car. Makin is pretty much the most comfortable in his carseat if he can't be held by mommy. :) SO after getting frustrated at his 30 minute catnaps all day and then having to rock him from about 5-8 without being able to put him down but him needing to sleep, I decided to try this because when we were out in the car, he slept much better. Eileen, a lady from my home congregation, always swore by putting kids on the dryer since it worked for her two boys...well major thanks for her suggestion! Now I can enjoy double naptime if it is planned right and Makin will sleep for 3 hours here. Happiness!
Complete Happiness :)