Friday, February 3, 2012

Date Night!

Yep, you read it correctly! Brad and I actually got a date night! We can probably count on one hand the amount of times we have gone out since the kids were born. Well, our new friends, Mary and Patrick (Aubry and Morgan's parents) are up for a date night swap once a month, so we are going to be shocked to start doing this, but know it will be great for us!

Tonight it was Red Lobster for supper. When we went to pick up the kids, they were busy making snowmen out of marshmallows (well, Makin was busy eating it rather than worrying about the snowman) and could have cared less we were gone. :) Just have to figure out how to make it a little earlier so they are not so grumpy on the drive home. I asked Makin if he had fun as I was putting him in the car and he nodded with an excited "eh!" :) Oh how nice it will be if they are okay with us being gone for a bit!

(And I am so sad I even include pictures of my kids on my date night post... ;) )