And a huge help with getting us through keeping the nasty cold bug to ourselves was sunshine and a warm up in the weather. Not THAT warm, but warm enough we could get out for some air. We made a quick trip to the library (where I told Lorelei not to touch anything) and then after grabbing a book we had on hold, the kids played outside the library with sticks etc (since they actually have trees there) for quite a while. What a joy to just get out of the house! Also, side walk chalk has been a hit lately, and of course the usual swings and sandbox. Cutest moment was when the kids were swinging in unison and would touch hands/hold hands would smile and laugh.
And the latest sickness update...Makin still has the most of the runny nose but all of us are finally starting to fade and start to feel more normal! Woo hoo! Now if I can just figure out how to get the kids to be less cranky! :) On to a productive weekend ahead!
Boo for the sickness and of cancelled plans, but that picture of Lor and Makin beside each other in the swing is completely and utterly adorable.