Thursday, May 31, 2012
Game Nights
Change In Plans
We had to change plans to visit the Ft. Worth Botanical Gardens due to possible rain in the forecast. We hope to go for their next visit and not have to worry about getting rained out.
Instead we just stayed close to home. It was also a good chance for everyone to get a bit of a rest from all the events of the week. And we still got to look forward to a yummy time eating out for supper!
A couple of highlights of the day were the kids painting together and Lorelei painting Grandma's nails.
Instead we just stayed close to home. It was also a good chance for everyone to get a bit of a rest from all the events of the week. And we still got to look forward to a yummy time eating out for supper!
A couple of highlights of the day were the kids painting together and Lorelei painting Grandma's nails.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Galleria Day
Hannah was most looking forward to her choice of the trip, The American Girl Store at the Galleria Mall. While she and Sarah shopped all things American Girl, the rest of us played at the play area and watched ice skaters. Hannah was completely speechless and loved her visit. We finished it off with a little extra shopping for Grandma's chance to get some cute outfits for her grandkids.
Our timing worked great as we picked a rainy day for our indoor activity!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Auntie Di's And Splash
Hannah and Karter were excited to see Auntie Di a few times on their visit. They don't get to see her much since they spend their summers in Kansas and that is when she comes up to Nebraska. This was also their first time to her house! She fixed us lunch before heading to Splash for our first visit of the season. She also had her grandkids along so the extended cousins had fun playing. The big kids tried out the big slides, getting Sarah to go along a few times and me once as well (had to up my Aunt coolness factor) and my kids loved the "big pool" part this time, which is basically a normal swimming pool! They did try out the lazy river and slides a bit as well, but just loved swimming.
Fun at Auntie Di's house before:


And on a side note...this is the look I get when I tell Makin not to stand up on the chair...yeah he knows how to work the cuteness and smiles just right. I'm in trouble. ;)
Thanks for a wonderful day Auntie Di! They all just loved seeing you!
Fun at Auntie Di's house before:


Thanks for a wonderful day Auntie Di! They all just loved seeing you!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day Fun
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Fun At The Lake

We enjoyed the sand and sun together at the lake on Sunday. The three older kids were in the water almost the entire time. Karter did have fun digging a moat with Brad for a bit. The boogie board was thrilled to be used again! Makin stuck close to the grown ups and ate his fill of Doritos. :) So much fun for the kids to play together!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
LEGOLAND Discovery Center
Our first big outing on the agenda was Karter's pick of the LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Grapevine. Brad was just as excited as Karter. :) We were not disappointed! There was so much for them to explore and everyone loved it.

There was a little mini city of Dallas made of all Legos of course. It was amazing to see. There were even little area's where you could move some of it around. The boys loved the construction crane. Then we headed over to check out some fun 3D movies...Makin and I only lasted through one as they sprayed water on us and he was not a fan of that...however I am so glad I got to snap one priceless picture of Auntie Di (who met us there) and her lovely head-gear as she was prepared for the downpour during the show. :) And she thought sitting in the back would keep people from seeing her. ;)

The biggest hit with my kids were the cars. First you built you car, then you tested it out on one of their many race tracks. They loved racing their cars again and again. This seemed to be Brad's favorite as well as he liked to see how to make the cars go faster.

There were also giant Legos in one area. Hannah and Brad built a huge tower.
There was also one ride that Hannah and Karter loved. Of course trying to take pictures of it you only get the front and back of the people you are trying to catch riding it. It was quite the challenge as you had to pedal like a bike and we were wearing flip flops! Thankfully Auntie Di and Sarah took turns as well!

We topped out day off with lunch at Rainforest Cafe before heading home. Such a fun-filled day!
And the fun didn't end as the older kids continued to work hard for days after on Karter purchase of a HUGE pirate ship. They both worked soooo hard on it!

There was a little mini city of Dallas made of all Legos of course. It was amazing to see. There were even little area's where you could move some of it around. The boys loved the construction crane. Then we headed over to check out some fun 3D movies...Makin and I only lasted through one as they sprayed water on us and he was not a fan of that...however I am so glad I got to snap one priceless picture of Auntie Di (who met us there) and her lovely head-gear as she was prepared for the downpour during the show. :) And she thought sitting in the back would keep people from seeing her. ;)

The biggest hit with my kids were the cars. First you built you car, then you tested it out on one of their many race tracks. They loved racing their cars again and again. This seemed to be Brad's favorite as well as he liked to see how to make the cars go faster.

There was also one ride that Hannah and Karter loved. Of course trying to take pictures of it you only get the front and back of the people you are trying to catch riding it. It was quite the challenge as you had to pedal like a bike and we were wearing flip flops! Thankfully Auntie Di and Sarah took turns as well!

We topped out day off with lunch at Rainforest Cafe before heading home. Such a fun-filled day!
And the fun didn't end as the older kids continued to work hard for days after on Karter purchase of a HUGE pirate ship. They both worked soooo hard on it!

Friday, May 25, 2012
The Cousins Are Here!!!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Easy As 1,2,3
This brings my to my latest plan...playing "school" for 30 minutes each morning in hopes that we will learn at least a bit more of the alphabet before preschool in September. Now, I know, I know. She will learn in her own time. I know she will. But I want to at least have given it 75% effort in teaching her myself, and we will just see what happens. :)
Here are our latest letter adventures...

My plan is to basically practice writing the letters, do a craft with the letter, and hunt to fill a bin of things that start with the letter...and anything else fun that comes along easily. I'm already behind because lets face it, its summer and we have lots of fun planned! Anyway, like I said, we'll see what happens and have fun doing it!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Our Sandbox
After countless trips to Lowes and Home Depot and countless weeks of hard work, the sandbox is finally DONE!!!
We were planning this for a long time and are so excited to finally be DONE and just enjoy it. We researched a lot before deciding exactly what we wanted. Have to give huge, HUGE praise to Brad for doing this. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE that he did this for us all to enjoy. It was somewhat of a strain on him when he overdid it lifting with his hernia (believe me I helped with the lifting, he just thought he took it easy but didn't enough), but he was determined to get it done. It just took longer than we would have liked for that reason and others. :) But he persevered. :)
First we spent 45+ minutes testing our sprinklers to avoid a sprinkler head that appeared to be right where we wanted to put the sandbox. (This was after contemplating FOREVER where we wanted it of course.) We were about to call the sprinkler company when I finally dug into the alleged "sprinkler head" and found this. Are you kidding me?
Weekend One
Weekend Two
I believe then there was one weekend where we were not able to do anything because of rain and other life events getting in the way. However I think during the week that week we did pick out the outdoor fabric on sale!
Weekend Three of Four :)
The kids have wanted to help with every bit of the sandbox. Sanding was the perfect chore for them!
Staining adventures! After dropping the entire first gallon, yes GALLON of stain onto our kitchen floor, yes KITCHEN FLOOR, we got the sandbox stained Saturday.
ALMOST all the way covered Sunday, finished Monday. (The power went out in our neighborhood, pushing us to later kid's bedtime, therefore running out of daylight for finishing the fabric as planned. :) Always somethin. The fun part was we got to visit a bit with our neighbors as a lot of people headed outside instead of sitting inside in their dark houses! :))
And I was amazed that the under side of the fabric, which is actually more white than the outside, looks just like the outside when it is put up! Woo hoo!
Tuesday and Wednesday This Week: SAND! SAND! SAND!
So. Much. Sand.

And now nothing but fun fun fun! Thank you Daddy/Brad!!! We love the new sandbox!

We were planning this for a long time and are so excited to finally be DONE and just enjoy it. We researched a lot before deciding exactly what we wanted. Have to give huge, HUGE praise to Brad for doing this. I cannot tell you how much I LOVE that he did this for us all to enjoy. It was somewhat of a strain on him when he overdid it lifting with his hernia (believe me I helped with the lifting, he just thought he took it easy but didn't enough), but he was determined to get it done. It just took longer than we would have liked for that reason and others. :) But he persevered. :)
I believe then there was one weekend where we were not able to do anything because of rain and other life events getting in the way. However I think during the week that week we did pick out the outdoor fabric on sale!
Weekend Three of Four :)

And I was amazed that the under side of the fabric, which is actually more white than the outside, looks just like the outside when it is put up! Woo hoo!

So. Much. Sand.

And now nothing but fun fun fun! Thank you Daddy/Brad!!! We love the new sandbox!

Monday, May 21, 2012
The Girl In The Yellow Sunglasses
Me: Stop throwing the blueberries.
Lor: We weren't.
Me: Then why are they on the floor?
Lor: Because we were rolling them.
Brad (to me, during bath): We're on the same page.
Lor: What does that mean?
Brad: It means we agree.
Lor: Where is this page?
Brad: I have the best wife ever.
Lor: Who is it?
Lorelei (handing a ball of yarn she was "sewing" with to Brad): Take this to work. Remember, you have to share it with your friends, though.
As I was reading a book with a rabbit it showed a picture of him munching on a carrot. Lorelei followed with, "But he doesn't have Ranch!"
Lorelei was reading books to Makin after bath, so was taking her role of getting him ready for bed quite seriously. She read him several books (Oh I cannot tell you how much I LOVE hearing her "read" books!) and then followed with, "Now its time for bed. Okay now step here...Don't worry, I gotcha, I gotcha!" And that is when I hurried into the room fearing one or both would be injured and he was half-way up the crib with her helping him up. :) What a wonderful way to end the day. Love them.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Safety Town

We have been planning a visit to Safety Town ever since we drove past it the first time a year or so ago. One of the Frisco fire stations has a mini town of Frisco next to it, along with rooms for various safety classes for kids K and up. Mary scheduled us for a tour and the kids were so excited. Of course the big hit was the fire truck. "Gu Guck!" was heard from Makin over and over and he LOVED driving the fire truck. He did not want to give up his spot for the girls to get a turn. Definitely a big fan. :) We may go back one evening this summer as they have it open with different activities for the kiddos!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Swimming and Digging

We are about to have to give up our weekly lake visits because of heat and crowds, but trying to stretch going as long as possible. :)
See those little dots out there? That is basically all we saw of Lorelei and Kaitlyn the entire time we were there. With those amazing floaties they love to do nothing but swim. Lorelei said they were pretending to be boats some of the time. We also heard them singing "Swimming, swimming." :)
Brad rearranged his work schedule as they wanted him to do a PHP (its a programming language, I won't bore you more than that. ;) ) presentation at a meeting that evening. He got to catch a little sun with us at the lake to make up for missing his usual evening time. Makin and Hailey loved the big hole he dug for them! :)
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Construction Zone
Last week they loved the tire swing with friends. Makin did join in for a bit, but preferred his feet on the ground. :)
We tried out a new park nearby earlier this week. Loved the barn area in what they call "Kiddie Korral." Lorelei was VERY proud and excited that she went down the fireman pole (which she keeps accidentally referring to as the telephone pole) by herself a few times. Makin decided to attempt the newest rock wall. He kept saying "Ock. Ock." and pointing but of course got help going up this steep one. This seems to be the closest Spray Park to home, so I'm sure we will be hitting this up again after Memorial Day for a park/spray park combo to keep cool.

Parks are still the #1 request if I ask where they want to go for the day.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Picture-less Mother's Day Weekend
Believe it or not, I did not take any pictures this weekend! (Okay, so I did take one of the fabric for the sandbox to help match it to the stain in the store, but no PEOPLE pictures.) Many people would not find this commendable, but I do give myself a little pat when I give my kids and hubby a break from the endless picture taking. I have cut back quite a bit!
We have not done a great job of balancing fun and work these last few weeks. I'm figuring we have lots of fun planned in the months coming up to make up for it though. At least 7 fun visitors/visiting plans for the summer, so many picture-taking moments ahead of us. So for now, we are work, work and more work. The great part of our weekend was that we finally got a second vehicle! Brad now has a car to drive, which has freed up our schedule immensely and I'm very excited for that. Not to mention he is now planning to work from 7-4 which means much more fun time with him rather than just supper/bath/bed. Next step is scheduling his hours for every-other weekend with a Mon/Fri off...lets hope it's coming soon!
Mothers Day...well it was a list-checking day for us. This is very much a gift to me, as I am much happier when I do not have a huge list of things that need to get done. Another Lowes trip, Brad's hair cut, yard get the idea. However the extra-special treat for me was that I got to sleep in!!! Have not slept until 8 in forever. Loved it.
I was also sent wonderful cards and gifts from family and made me feel so special from each one.
We are so thankful and blessed to have been raised by wonderful mothers who support us in all we do. We love you both!
We have not done a great job of balancing fun and work these last few weeks. I'm figuring we have lots of fun planned in the months coming up to make up for it though. At least 7 fun visitors/visiting plans for the summer, so many picture-taking moments ahead of us. So for now, we are work, work and more work. The great part of our weekend was that we finally got a second vehicle! Brad now has a car to drive, which has freed up our schedule immensely and I'm very excited for that. Not to mention he is now planning to work from 7-4 which means much more fun time with him rather than just supper/bath/bed. Next step is scheduling his hours for every-other weekend with a Mon/Fri off...lets hope it's coming soon!
Mothers Day...well it was a list-checking day for us. This is very much a gift to me, as I am much happier when I do not have a huge list of things that need to get done. Another Lowes trip, Brad's hair cut, yard get the idea. However the extra-special treat for me was that I got to sleep in!!! Have not slept until 8 in forever. Loved it.
I was also sent wonderful cards and gifts from family and made me feel so special from each one.
We are so thankful and blessed to have been raised by wonderful mothers who support us in all we do. We love you both!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Sayin and Doin
I can't get enough of my kids and thing things they say and do!
Common sayings around the house now include:
"Do you know what I'm thinkin?"
"I have a plan."
"If you say so..."
"I told ya."
"I think he likes me." (usually referring to dogs or Makin.)
Other sayings of cuteness:
"These my tippin' toes?"
I was choosing a toy to take away as punishment and chose her doll stroller. She protested, "But Makin loves that thing!"
The last couple of times Brad has gone golfing (work associated) she has given him a pep talk. "Remember Daddy, hit it way, way, way out there okay Daddy?"

As she was carrying something sort-of heavy when helping Brad around the house. "I'm strong! Maybe it from all that milk!" :)
She is absolutely in love with the new TV show Doc McStuffins. This is not surprising as it is a little girl being a doctor to her stuffed animals and any other toys that come her way needing help. Now I hear many things that are associated with that show from her. A few are...
"I have a diagnosis."
"We will get you fixed up in no time!"
"Hoftibil." (Hospital)
And my best chuckle came when she went potty without saying a word to me and I was raving that she was such a big girl and she simply said, "Yeah, doctors do that." :)
She is starting to use more and more big words and a couple I jotted down were "concentrate" and "adorable." :) So much fun.
This picture was when she was hopping around the house on her hopping ball and Brad gave her a hug before he left. :)
Another comical story from the other day...she was playing with her baby dolls and she and I were supposed to be the big sisters. As she was introducing her little baby to me she said "Sometimes she hits and throws things." :) Gee, where did she get the idea that babies do that? ;)
She requested Brad build her a horse. :)
As for the sleeping/paci update things are a bit better. She has still asked for them just on occation, and still stays up/gets up early sometimes, but I finally figured out to play music while she sleeps, which has helped!
She is on a pretty big dress up/dance kick lately. She has worn her tutu over her shorts out a couple of times and says she wants to take dance class. (We'll see if it is still true at age 5!) One of my favorite "sigh" moments was when she was just dancing around her room in her tutu to her music that was playing before nap. Love age three and just love my girl.
In this picture he had put on Lor's backpack and was telling me bye and waving to say he was going to school. :)
His talking progresses more each day and week. We are loving so many new words, and hearing him attempt to say many things. Still no "D" though!
A few words I jotted down (but there are many more) include bug, Makin, block (probably ug, mame or something like that and ock is how he says them, but not totally sure as they are not as common), "ny ny" (or something like that for Daddy, but he definitely calls him that) "ot" (hot) "at" (hat) "my" (mine...second child's top priority word ;) ) and my personal favorites "ro ro" (roly poly) and "ish" (ice, which he asks for every-time he sees me fill his sippy cup with water)
I almost break into a grin after giving him a lecture with one of his other latest idea where he got it but after I tell him something sternly he replies with, "mem mem" (yes ma'm) Seriously?! Must be the Texas air. ;)
And his favorite dress up shoes? Yep, the pink fluffy high his defense, they are really the only ones that come close to staying on his little feet. :) Anyone want to send us some fireman boots? ;)
He also has a couple of "signs" he came up with on his own. When he wants sunglasses he will pat his eyes. He also holds his finger up at you for "be right back." :)
His current favorite book is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?" He always says "ain" for me to read it again. He is on a big "read it again" kick for many of his books and would have me read them 3+ times each if I would go for it. Thankfully he doesn't mind that I usually just read them twice and move on to the next one for my sanity. :)
I get the ultimate compliments on my food from this little gentleman. :) He takes a bite and follows it with a big "MMMMMM!" and sometimes followed with a hug. :) Can't get much better than that.
He runs pretty much everywhere. It is hilarious to see him try and round corners at break-neck speed. :)
He is just my blond-haired brown-eyed ball of sweetness and cannot get enough of this age either. 20 months. That is getting a little too close to sounding like age two. :(
Common sayings around the house now include:
"Do you know what I'm thinkin?"
"I have a plan."
"If you say so..."
"I told ya."
"I think he likes me." (usually referring to dogs or Makin.)
"These my tippin' toes?"
I was choosing a toy to take away as punishment and chose her doll stroller. She protested, "But Makin loves that thing!"
The last couple of times Brad has gone golfing (work associated) she has given him a pep talk. "Remember Daddy, hit it way, way, way out there okay Daddy?"
As she was carrying something sort-of heavy when helping Brad around the house. "I'm strong! Maybe it from all that milk!" :)
She is absolutely in love with the new TV show Doc McStuffins. This is not surprising as it is a little girl being a doctor to her stuffed animals and any other toys that come her way needing help. Now I hear many things that are associated with that show from her. A few are...
"I have a diagnosis."
"We will get you fixed up in no time!"
"Hoftibil." (Hospital)
And my best chuckle came when she went potty without saying a word to me and I was raving that she was such a big girl and she simply said, "Yeah, doctors do that." :)
This picture was when she was hopping around the house on her hopping ball and Brad gave her a hug before he left. :)
Another comical story from the other day...she was playing with her baby dolls and she and I were supposed to be the big sisters. As she was introducing her little baby to me she said "Sometimes she hits and throws things." :) Gee, where did she get the idea that babies do that? ;)
As for the sleeping/paci update things are a bit better. She has still asked for them just on occation, and still stays up/gets up early sometimes, but I finally figured out to play music while she sleeps, which has helped!
She is on a pretty big dress up/dance kick lately. She has worn her tutu over her shorts out a couple of times and says she wants to take dance class. (We'll see if it is still true at age 5!) One of my favorite "sigh" moments was when she was just dancing around her room in her tutu to her music that was playing before nap. Love age three and just love my girl.
In this picture he had put on Lor's backpack and was telling me bye and waving to say he was going to school. :)
His talking progresses more each day and week. We are loving so many new words, and hearing him attempt to say many things. Still no "D" though!
A few words I jotted down (but there are many more) include bug, Makin, block (probably ug, mame or something like that and ock is how he says them, but not totally sure as they are not as common), "ny ny" (or something like that for Daddy, but he definitely calls him that) "ot" (hot) "at" (hat) "my" (mine...second child's top priority word ;) ) and my personal favorites "ro ro" (roly poly) and "ish" (ice, which he asks for every-time he sees me fill his sippy cup with water)
And his favorite dress up shoes? Yep, the pink fluffy high his defense, they are really the only ones that come close to staying on his little feet. :) Anyone want to send us some fireman boots? ;)
He also has a couple of "signs" he came up with on his own. When he wants sunglasses he will pat his eyes. He also holds his finger up at you for "be right back." :)
He runs pretty much everywhere. It is hilarious to see him try and round corners at break-neck speed. :)
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Brad's Progress From April
Only lost 4 pounds this month. It has been a major life-gets-in-the-way month for us. Between work, Guttie Golf (a project on the side for golf website) and projects around the house, the exercise has been less and less. He has been doing good about watching portion control for the most part. He has also had a few medical issues this last month and will be scheduling surgery for a hernia repair in the upcoming weeks.
Although he did not loose many pounds, shirts are still fitting better and old shirts getting baggy, so that is a happy thing. :) Still motivated and will keep getting better!
Although he did not loose many pounds, shirts are still fitting better and old shirts getting baggy, so that is a happy thing. :) Still motivated and will keep getting better!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Double One-On-One Saturday Morning Date
As I drove through Denton the day before, I discovered that their Home Depot is right across from the mall! (They usually go to Frisco HD) So...

Of course, a crazy-busy weekend followed, but we all sure enjoyed our morning out. :)
Friday, May 4, 2012
Fab Friday
After dropping Brad off and running two errands, we still made it to the lake just after 10 AM! :) I am getting the hang of these combining fun and errand running thing. :)
The kids loved playing in the really squishy sand and Lorelei kept going deeper and deeper into the lake. Going to make sure to bring her floatie next time so she can practice her swimming. Makin was on a big don't-take-my-picture kick as well as don't-rub-in-my-sunscreen kick. :)

That evening we attempted our grill Friday and then found out we were out of gas for the grill...thankful for indoor grills! :) Then when Brad and I attempted a fun date night (yes we have been slacking and mostly just watching a movie as we are always exhausted!...but hoping we will start having more fun ones to post about!) having drinks with our feet in the kiddie pool a storm came up with strong wind and some inside we went. We did have fun using a list of "30 questions to ask each other on a date even if you're already married" I saw on Pinterest.
Love kicking off our weekend! :)
The kids loved playing in the really squishy sand and Lorelei kept going deeper and deeper into the lake. Going to make sure to bring her floatie next time so she can practice her swimming. Makin was on a big don't-take-my-picture kick as well as don't-rub-in-my-sunscreen kick. :)

That evening we attempted our grill Friday and then found out we were out of gas for the grill...thankful for indoor grills! :) Then when Brad and I attempted a fun date night (yes we have been slacking and mostly just watching a movie as we are always exhausted!...but hoping we will start having more fun ones to post about!) having drinks with our feet in the kiddie pool a storm came up with strong wind and some inside we went. We did have fun using a list of "30 questions to ask each other on a date even if you're already married" I saw on Pinterest.
Love kicking off our weekend! :)
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