Thursday, May 24, 2012

Easy As 1,2,3

Okay. The teacher in my is going a little nuts that Lorelei still can only identify 4, maybe 5 letters. L, M, D (no idea why) and X (because there is just something about it...) and probably O (my mom pointed out she has known this for a while...) so I'll give it to her even though she missed it during the "name-that-letter" game I played writing them in the sand a few weeks ago.

This brings my to my latest plan...playing "school" for 30 minutes each morning in hopes that we will learn at least a bit more of the alphabet before preschool in September. Now, I know, I know. She will learn in her own time. I know she will. But I want to at least have given it 75% effort in teaching her myself, and we will just see what happens. :)

Here are our latest letter adventures...

My plan is to basically practice writing the letters, do a craft with the letter, and hunt to fill a bin of things that start with the letter...and anything else fun that comes along easily. I'm already behind because lets face it, its summer and we have lots of fun planned! Anyway, like I said, we'll see what happens and have fun doing it!


  1. You know me, my vote is to just enjoy summer! :-) For what it's worth, I don't think Kira knows many letters either and our preschool doesn't start working on letter recognition until the 4's class. Fun projects though!!
