The kids loved playing in the really squishy sand and Lorelei kept going deeper and deeper into the lake. Going to make sure to bring her floatie next time so she can practice her swimming. Makin was on a big don't-take-my-picture kick as well as don't-rub-in-my-sunscreen kick. :)
That evening we attempted our grill Friday and then found out we were out of gas for the grill...thankful for indoor grills! :) Then when Brad and I attempted a fun date night (yes we have been slacking and mostly just watching a movie as we are always exhausted!...but hoping we will start having more fun ones to post about!) having drinks with our feet in the kiddie pool a storm came up with strong wind and some inside we went. We did have fun using a list of "30 questions to ask each other on a date even if you're already married" I saw on Pinterest.
Love kicking off our weekend! :)
What a wonderful day!