As I was driving I went through a yellow light or something like that and was saying that I shouldn't have done it. Lor followed with, "It's okay. Some people make steaks." :)
And this picture is showing what we do with our extra time we have sometimes if Makin is still sleeping. Using our brains playing Memory! She always wants to get the "Yucky Yadybugs" so we trade if I get that match. ;)
When Heather was here and going to play a good morning song for us she asked Lorelei, "Will you dance to it? Maybe?" Lor said, "Maybe not."
Mom asked Lorelei if she could talk in her quiet voice and she followed with an extremely loud, "NO I AM A VERY LOUD PERSON!"
When she can tell I'm getting angry or frustrated she gives me a huge hug and says, "Am I melting you yet?"

She likes to tell you random "Spanish" words. One of the most amusing was when she was trying to convince my mom that a sandcastle was actually called a "camecia."
Lorelei was reading Makin's simple tractor book to him, which has things like "tractor" and "baler" with the pictures..."Once upon a time there was a farmer working very hard on the wheat. Then another guy came. He said, 'No! Don't mow that!'"
Lorelei could here me getting frustrated with Makin and said, "You gonna put him in the trash can?"
Me: I want to. Can I?
Lor (very seriously and quietly): No. I would miss him so much.
And we are hearing Aubrey's influence on many daily sayings around here. Just had to get videos because its not nearly as cute to type. :) She was a bit goofy in the videos, but hopefully you get the idea. The "AGAIN" is usually said with annoyance and "What in the word?" is usually as you would think...not singing it. ;) Anyway, enjoy.

This is Makin's face when arguing with me as a plane flew across in the sky, which occurs daily. I tell him, "airplane" and he argues with, "Ca Ca!" (helicopter) :) Not sure he will ever learn the word airplane as this is way more fun.
When shopping at Target a few weeks ago we were in the dollar bin and Makin was in the aisle next to me. A lady asked me, "Is that your son?" Pointing to where I knew he was, so I said he was. She followed with, "He is putting a bunch of stuff in your cart. I just wanted you to know before you went and checked out." Oh yes, he put 10 containers of chap-stick in my cart!
He loves the color green. If you give him multiple colors to pick from, he will pick green.
He is talking much, much more each day. Leah and Emma would still talk circles around him, but he is holding his own and tries nearly everything we ask him to say. He will ramble on a full sentence of mush. He is also starting to put two understandable words together. His new favorite word is an exuberant, "YAH!" Loving our next little chatterbox!
And here is what we've all been waiting for!!! D!!!!!
A boy and his pudding pop. :)

He still loves to sing. He will sing along with everything. Love it.
When I give him "the look" he gives me a pretty endearing look that makes it hard to keep my look!
He loves to turn over onto his stomach on the changing table and then proceeds to start "snoring." :)
When we don't understand something he says, he repeats it and gets louder and louder until he is yelling it, as if the problem is really our hearing.
He makes the sweetest car/truck/plane noises and sticks his arm out to be an airplane many times when being carried.
Not just any guy could pull off an Abby Cadabby helmet. :) He loves to "knock" on it. Don't worry we will get him a boy one eventually. ;)

On a side note, one of Brad's cousins had a baby last week who was born with a cleft lip and palate, and they had no idea. They did not catch it in the ultrasound. I believe it is her first baby...anyway keep them in your prayers as they work to deal with this unexpectedly. Thankfully they have reached out to us to talk to her and we just hope we can help her from our experience! Her mom said they showed her pics of Makin and that helped...so thankful we can help with anything for them!