We enjoyed walking around a bit. The kids loved petting some of the horses that were going to heard the cattle. Getting 5 kids ages 8 and under to look at a camera IS as hard as you would think.
Waiting to see the long-horned cattle mosey down the street. The fan misters were awesome. The Volkers were living on icies to cool them down, so of course my kids had to follow suit. And again, thrilled to pet another horse.
No surprise, but the petting zoo was the absolute highlight of our trip. We got to pet and feed a baby long horn calf, a llama, goats, sheep and we think a reindeer. Pretty sure my kids could have stayed here all day. :)
We decided to try the cattle-pen maze. The goal was to find all four letters of the word MAZE. We got the A and my kids were ready to be done! Luckily they got their tiny prize anyway. :)
We enjoyed a BBQ lunch, Lorelei got her balloon hat she was desperate to have from the clown, and we made them pose for a few pics with a giant spur. Then we went into Billy Bobs (A famous honky-tonk that is 3 acres and can fit 6,000 people.) A couple of the highlights included the indoor rodeo arena and a huge stage that many famous singers have performed on. Lorelei loved walking out on stage and standing under the huge saddle-turned-disco-ball. :) Oh and she got tons of compliments on her boots! (Thanks Grandma!)
Thankfully the kids got naps on the car on the way home before we enjoyed our grill Friday at home. Great chance to enjoy each other's company over beer, margaritas and yummy food. We are so thankful for these friends and a chance to all get together!
What a great day with amazing friends. Getting a group of old friends together is such a special experience. I'm so happy for you guys!