Friday, June 1, 2012

Aunt Sarah, Hannah and Karter

We are so thankful that Sarah and her kids made the trip out to visit us. It had been a year since we had seen them in Nebraska and we were so excited to see them again.

I did not do a great job of getting pictures of our kids with their Aunt Sarah. They had such a great time with her! She is a natural with our little ones and finds energy for them even after being busy with her own! Looking forward to more fun times at the end of the summer with her!

Bath time was way more fun with big cousins to help!
Every night Karter would call Makin, "Obi-Wan Husker." :)

Hannah and Karter were SO good about reading books to their little cousins.
Just warms my heart!

There were so many fun moments with all the kids together. Two of the extra-special ones? Hannah taught Lorelei how to skip, and Karter got Makin to say his D!!!!

Cousins Are Friends That Will Love You Forever

Thanks for a wonderful and fun week Hannah and Karter!
You are both so special and we love you!


  1. Hahaha . . . I was reading and I was like, "Obi Wan Husker . . . why?" Then I looked at the pics and started CRACKING up! Love it!!! So glad that you guys were blessed with this time together!

  2. So amazing! Such wonderful pictures of the kids together (especially that last one . . . where they're all matching too!!!) and I'm so impressed that Karter got Makin to say his "D"! Yay! I loved this post, it made me so happy to see the four of them together.

  3. Gotta love having family close by :) Love all the pictures! Looks like you all had an amazing week that everyone will remember forever! Very special :)
