Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

We had a fun-filled Halloween at our place this year. :)

Candy Corn Waffles for our Second Breakfast
Idea from

Painting Pumpkins

Both kids were Doc McStuffins this year. (Their favorite tv show character.) Lorelei thought of it a couple of months ago, and as much as I tried to convince Makin to be her side-kick, for example, her blue dragon, Stuffy, he insisted that he wanted to be Doc too, so we just did a boy version of Doc. I was thankful he did not insist on wearing the headband...I did get him one since we had a discussion a week or two ago when I told him boys don't wear headbands..."I DO!" he insisted. :) But not a peep about it today. :)

We enjoyed celebrating Josie's birthday again before going Trick or Treating with them in their neighborhood.  We left a bit early so we could head home and pass out candy and do a bit more trick or treating in our neighborhood. Brad got lots of compliments on the jack o lanterns while the kids and I hit up a few more houses and we met one more neighbor! :)

Both kids were very excited for that candy. :)

So. Much. Candy.

Happy Halloween!!!


  1. Holy. Cow. So. Much. Candy. Is. Right.

    Also, Makin looks so serious in that picture he looks like a mini Doogie Howser or something. :)

    And, jealous that Brad got to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters!

  2. Oh, and also, I saw your waffles here, and I thought, "Wow. I am incapable of making normal waffles, and my sister can make tri-colored candy corn waffles. Domestic fail." ;)

  3. I love their costumes! Sounds like a great Halloween!

  4. Yea, you totally get the Mom of the Year award with those waffles! How fun!! Looks like a wonderful day.
