Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advent By Candlelight

So, I kinda accidentally signed up to do a table for our latest church function...

I had gone to an Advent By Candlelight back in Denver when I was student teaching and loved it. It was gorgeous and special and an event every lady looked forward to with excitement.

I sort of just wanted to sign up to go to it this time as well, but the lady in charge assumed I meant a table, so I just signed up for a table and there I was suddenly now in charge of decorating the whole thing, making a dessert and inviting guests! Thankfully Michelle Smith agreed she would do the table with me, and she took on the dessert side of things and most of the inviting! (And baked a cheesecake on her birthday, Dec 1st nonetheless!)

I spent weeks toying with different ideas for the centerpiece with multiple trips to Dollar Tree and making returns after changing plans. So naturally, the day before the event, I was still dragging Heather to Hobby Lobby to help with table plans. My other favorite Michelle (Purcell) graciously offered her beautiful Christmas dishes, so that helped me narrow down a plan...we just had to put it into action. This involved Heather cutting a candle for the right size as well as helping pick out some red berries. Then Sunday Brad trimmed our bushes for the greenery. I was really happy with how it turned out and had a great time visiting with the ladies who came. There was an amazing speaker, Deb Burma, who is the pastor's wife from Peace and even has her own devotional book published! We also enjoyed a performance from a singing group from Columbus High School. It was wonderful to reflect on what is really important at Christmas and a great way to start December.

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