Second Annual Reindeer Games
We had a fun time, but I'm really hoping next year we can have some friends to join in the fun! :) We did quite a few relay races, and then went inside for a few games since it was COLD. :) They loved "Dress The Tree" and yes I'm that cool of a mom and let Lorelei turn me into a tree as well. And yes, its intentionally the smallest picture ;) Pin The Nose On Rudolf and a Bow Throw game were also hits.
Jesus' Birthday Party
We had an extra-special Family Night celebrating Jesus' Birthday with games, face painting and cupcakes. (We helped make 2 dozen of them and the kids loved decorating them!)
Opening A Few Gifts Early
Christmas Lights
We packed up hot chocolate treats along with popcorn and Christmas Peanut M & Ms for driving around and looking at Christmas lights! (We also combined this with coffee cake drop offs!) There was even a house where the lights danced to music. We parked and sat through the whole "show" at that house. (This is why they aren't buckled into car seats.) I think this will always be one of my favorites activities. :)
I absolutely love the tree wrapping/decorating pics! What fun.