Monday, November 10, 2014


As most of you know, we have been deliberating what activity Lorelei would enjoy participating in. She is really open to trying anything, which has made it hard for me to narrow down what I think she would love. For the most part, I was fine just not putting her in much until she was sure of what she wanted! But part of me also thought, well, how will she find out if she doesn't try some things?

I have not really leaned toward dance for many reasons. Expensive, pressure for girls to be/look a certain way, and not sure Lorelei was really that graceful or into that sort of thing. Then we were presented with a seemingly unique opportunity. Dawn (friend from church who home-schools) mentioned on the way back from the zoo this summer that there is a home-school mom who teaches dance. After I told her my reservations with it, she pointed out the reasons she likes this particular teacher. She is conservative in dress and music choices. The girls wear only black leotards and pink tights for practice. (From what I can tell, other classes you can wear whatever colors you want, then putting the pressure on parents/kids to keep up with the Jones' and buy a leotard in every color...) Then they only have one special outfit for their recital, which this instructor is very careful about choosing because, being a home-school mom herself, does not believe in spending a lot of money on a costume for the recital. Plus, her class is extremely reasonably priced and we only commit to a 6 week session. There is another 6 week session starting back up in January, if it is something Lorelei chooses to continue. All that, PLUS Lorelei fit in Ellorie's old tap shoes so we only had to buy ballet shoes. :) AND it is Friday afternoons, so it will not eat into our evening time whatsoever. So, we decided if Lorelei were going to try dance, this was THE perfect opportunity.

Perhaps none of you care and just want to see Lorelei and how cute she looks for her dance class, so I apologize for the explanation. :)

Far right... :)
My concerns were quickly quieted after her first class. I asked her how she liked it and she said with a smile and whisper, "I loved it." I tried not to spy too much on her first class, but peeked a bit more during her second. She had her eyes glued on her teacher and was trying her best on all of the "moves" she was being taught. And so far, she still loves it. As I watched I started thinking of how she tends to be more right brained (artsy and creative) so it would make sense she would enjoy dance in that way. She is also getting more and more into music so I think she loves that part of it as well. We shall see how long she enjoys it, but she is having a great time! :)


  1. Sounds like a great program! Love the last pic!

  2. How wonderful! So glad she gets to try it, and that you found the right opportunity. We found a great, low-key, ballet school at a nearby church that Sydney will try out next year. Maybe Lorelei can give her tips! ;) Lorelei looks so sweet in her dance outfit!

  3. Fun! Glad Lorelei is enjoying it!
