Wednesday, November 19, 2014

First Snow

We had a Saturday where the snow fell all day long. The kids were ecstatic. I was pretty excited it finally snowed when there were decent temps outside so they could enjoy it! I took the morning shift. We walked around the yard and then down the block to the playground. Slides are extra fun with snow and snow pants to make them faster. :) Brad took the afternoon shift and took them sledding right behind our house at the catholic school where there is a small hill. And yes, it was still snowing!

There were a couple of days where it was too cold to enjoy it, but then it warmed back up enough (highs around the 30s...) so we headed out Tuesday after lunch to sled at the park. This was a bigger hill and the kids really loved it. What an amazing difference a couple of years makes with Makin. Two winters ago we were bribing him with a cookie to go down a hill. Now he went again and again and just laughed and giggled and tried to go faster so he could get his sled the furthest. :) These two worked very hard going up and down the hill for lots of sledding.

And yes, I was wearing a hat but looked goofy. ;)

Monday they made some snow creations at the park. Lorelei has been loving having snow pants and boots at recess and her best part of the day is often playing at recess in the snow with her friends.

Please keep up warmer temps! You make snow so much more fun!
(Cuz I know Mother Nature reads my blog. ;) )


  1. Such cute pics and videos!!! That hill is epic! It alllllllmost makes me want to visit when there is snow . . . almost. ;) Thanks for sharing your snow fun!

  2. What fun!! Although I laughed because I think our definitions of "warmer temps" are not exactly the same. :-) Glad Makin is now loving the snow too.
