You love hula right now and love showing us how well you know the dance in preparation for your recital in May.
You continue to love reading. Pretty much anytime you get a spare moment you go off and read. Right now you are reading the Winnie The Horse Gentler series and Boxcar Children. If you get tired of reading usually some coloring (favorites right now are the super-thin colored Sharpies) is the next choice. You still do pretend to a puppy as well.
Anything outside is also at the top of the list, whether its drawing with chalk or playing in the mud...anytime the weather is looking good (and even when it isn't!) you want to head outside.
You are still a social butterfly.
You still talk constantly.
You cannot wait for our trip to go see Winter and talk about every. single. day.
You think the song "Shiny" from Moana is hilarious because it says "going to kick your hiney" in part of the song.
You have somewhat given up on asking me for a dog each day because you and your brother came to the conclusion that you would have better luck convincing me of getting a cat. (I'm pretty sure this is because my main issue with a dog is that I don't want to clean up after it and you think the litter box and hypoallergenic cat seem more clean-up-able.) So now you ask for a cat every day.
(After getting the side-bangs she requested.) "It's like I'm brand new!"
L: I'm gonna teach you Shurley English.
B: I really don't want to learn Shurley English right now.
L; You have to! You are 34 and you don't know what an adjective is!!!
"I'm one big ball of goof!"
"Stuff is way more expensive in Kansas!!!" (Looking at the Canadian..."Can" price on a box.)
(Tired of studying for a Science whining/crying tone goes with this one...) "You mean I have to study till I KNOW it!?!" (We quote this back to her all. the. time.)
For the play in DI one of the kiddos told a joke. "What do grapes sing at Christmas?...'tis the season to be JELLY!" After hearing the joke at home L said, "Tis the season to be wi-ine!"
"She's pretty hilarious when she calls a grown woman like you "Sweetie"!"
Celebrating 9 1/2 with cheesecake! |
Sweet Lorelei. Tell her that I absolutely think you should get a dog AND a cat. :-)