Thursday, March 8, 2018

Makin at 7 1/2

You continue to grow and bless us each day, sweet boy. Speaking of growing, you were THRILLED that you grew 1 1/2 inches in the last six months. (You are really unhappy you don't grow as fast as your sister, so this was a pretty big deal!)

You are a leader and I have loved watching this in action. I love that you are able to feel confident in leading but also respectful when others want to chime in or have other ideas.

You are still sweet. You are so patient with all of us. You always come and give me a hug when you know I need one. You know how to ask for things super-sweetly as well...which makes it way harder to say no. (Coming to mind, staying in bed longer for extra cuddles type of things.) Mrs. White often mentions she is amazed at how sweetly you deliver anything you say to people. You also know to use the sweetness and smile in all your persuasive tactics.

You love to be funny and laugh. I love that you have your buddy Charlie who helps bring out your silly side. You now think gross stuff is funny, which I know is a boy thing, but I'm not a fan.

You especially love all things Legos and robots.

You like to blare music from your room and right now love techno, especially Crazy Frog.

You don't go off and read for fun most of the time, but are getting there. You are reading a couple levels above grade-level, but like to have me nearby to tell you if there is a word you don't know.

Quotable Moments:
(Makin rollerblading around the living room...I hear a thud...)
Me: Are you okay?
Makin: Barely.

(Reading the GPS)
"Edgewood Doctor" (Edgewood Dr)

"Its like I'm living on grapes, RX bars and goldfish."

Me: Are you just going to look at those books on the drive then?
Makin: Yeah. And look out the window. The old fashioned way.

Lorelei: They are lying!
Makin: It's called false advertising.

(Leaving chapel after they had to work together as a class to build the tallest Lego tower in 4 passed along from Mrs. White...) "I wish we could do that every chapel, only for 1,000 minutes!"

Celebrating 7 1/2 by measuring (which we do each 6 months)
and elated to see he grew 1 1/2 inches!
Brad: If you work really hard maybe you can have a car like that someday.
Makin: You might have more money than me.
B: Why is that?
M: Because my robots have to SELL!

Me: I'm so glad I haven't been on my phone at all this morning. I worked extra hard on that today.
M: I feel the love.
(Disclaimer...My main distraction is texting...and what a great motivator to do better about keeping my phone out of sight all morning!!!)

"I'm gonna have good memories of me helping you cook while I drink my milk."

"Tomorrow is going to be such a great day. Just hanging out with you building Legos."

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