So far toddlerhood is challenging but very enjoyable! She has no problem letting us know what she wants no matter how much screaming it takes, and will melt into a puddle when unhappy. Why didn't they tell us about "the terrible ones"?
So many joys make up for the challenges. The huge smile that melts your heart, the laughter at such goofy things, kisses and my favorite - hugs! We are now getting the adorable arms-around-the-neck hugs which just make my day. They are always so spontaneous and special.
Lorelei is also very good at communicating. She takes our hand and pulls us wherever she wants us to go. She also points and goes over to things (like the frig). Lately she has gotten better and better at answering questions with a nod or shaking her head. One example of our communication (or miscommunicating) is this morning. She was in footed pj's (its been very cold this weekend) and was holding out socks for me to put on her. I tried to deter this idea but when she was insistent I figured I better just choose my battles, so put the socks on over her footed jammies...well then as soon as she had those socks on she marched over to the door to go outside! Apparently she has figured out she needs those on to go out and thought that was the magic ticket. :)

Our schedule (new this week as we are now officially done with morning nap):
6:30-7:00 - wake up, play until Lorelei takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen, then eat some breakfast, then play some more
10sih - Go run errands, do MOMS activities, or just play with friends (morning snack in there too)
1ish - afternoon nap
3:00 - play and have afternoon snack, then play some more till Dad gets home, then play some more with Dad!
5:30-6ish - supper
6:45 - bath with Dad
7:00-7:30 - Read book (Time for Bed or Goodnight Moon), bedtime

Favorite things to "play"
OUTSIDE - This girl is going to have trouble this winter! We have had a few rainy cold days lately and she is constantly dragging me to the door whining to go out. I usually have to take her out the front to explain it is raining...doesn't last too long and then I'm being dragged to the door again. What do we do when its nice outside? Anything from a walk around the pond (her highlight being the swing), to just hanging out on the balcony playing with the ball, watching birds, etc. She also loves the park and is very glad when I tell her we are going to play there.
Pretend/Dolls - I have been thrilled that Lorelei plays pretend! She takes her toy dishes and silverware and feeds either us, herself or her dolls the food! She also pours her "tea" into cups (but Dad taught her it was fun to scream into them instead, so that one is more popular). She gives her baby dolls kisses (again more than her parents) and also likes to point to eyes, nose, ears, etc and then points to hers/ours that matches.
Music/TV - She loves music all the time, whether it is her toy dog or house with children's songs, or when we turn on Rascal Flatts while she is eating. She even has her own way of singing that is SO cute. Not able to get that on video but will have to try. She also loves Baby Einstein animals videos and Sesame Street/Elmo's World.
Books - One of my favorite past times! We love to read books and its a great way to get her to settle down for a bit. Her favorites are usually the ones with animals.
Lets Move - Lorelei loves to keep moving! Whether she is spinning, dancing, playing ball or wrestling with Dad (and me sometimes too!) she is always on the go.

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