We had a beautiful day today which ended up being perfect for our trip to the zoo. MOMS has playgroup Mondays as well as Wednesdays, so I was in charge of choosing location for this one. One of the other moms suggested the zoo because a baby giraffe was born on Wednesday! That's right folks, we got to see a 6 day old baby giraffe. :) SO cute.
This is Lorelei exploring while we waited to see if anyone would show up to join us. No one had RSVP'd so I figured we might be on our own. We headed in by ourselves, but then one other mom caught up with us at the elephants, not to far into the zoo.
Lorelei was excited to see the Bongos. There was even at least one baby calf to watch as well. :)
The best picture I could get of the new baby giraffe. It is not out for display yet, but obviously you can still see it. It is in a smaller area with its parents. There is one giraffe left out and it was missing its friends...but gave us a nice close look at it!
Normally I'm not big on getting pictures of all the animals at the zoo, but we had an amazing view of the lions this time! They were on top of a huge rock, and we could see two of the four baby cubs.
Lorelei is big into sitting on anything her size lately (don't worry we already got her a chair for Christmas). These are the little steps to go in and look face to face with the groundhogs. She thought it worked better as a seat. The little guy next to her is Alex.
The farm animals are always a hit. Lorelei had no trouble getting up close with the cow and petting its slimy nose, as well as the goat who would rather be taking a nap.
Our first zoo train ride! :) The start of many more to come I'm sure. :)
Love the picture of you two girls! So beautiful!