We enjoyed a great Friday when Sara and Lily came over for lunch. Unfortunately the Bonfiglio's (Melissa, Chase and Kira) had to stay home as Melissa was coming down with something and didn't want to get the kids sick. Turns out she has H1N1, so very thankful she stayed home, but hoping her kids still don't get it and she gets better very soon! After our visit and nap we were excited to get a package from Grandma Stahl with Lorelei's first official Disney movie, Snow White! This picture is her getting started watching it (but a preview for Dumbo). She was not able to watch it all the way through but we are watching it bit by bit. :) Thanks Grandma Stahl!
Saturday was very busy with a baby shower for Mirinda! Their baby is due Dec 18th and we are excited to find out what it is and what name it will have. :) Two of Mirinda's good friends and I did the shower together and many of the ladies who came were from church or Mirinda's work. They enjoyed lots of food, a few games, and of course ooing and aahing at the cute baby gifts! :) Mirinda loves Care bears so that was the theme, as you can see on the table. :)
Sunday is really the reason for the title of the blog. Since I woke up with a stuffy nose and a few other cold symptoms I got worried because Melissa said her H1N1 seemed to start out like allergies...I didn't want to get Lorelei sick or take it to church and get all of them sick as well. After much deliberation we decided to be safe rather than sorry and I went into Patient First to get checked out. The tests turned out negative, thankfully. They looked at me like I was wasting my time coming in and basically said I would know it if I had it...most people are feeling like they get hit by a truck with it. Good to know I was in the clear but sad that I wasted so much time going in.
Then around 11:30 or so Lorelei ended up falling into the balcony door and gashing her head on the frame of the window. She seemed okay after a few minutes of some crying, but we were worried that it might scar, so called the pediatrician, who said to take her to CHKD rather than try some liquid stitches ourselves in case we would get it in her eyes. So we packed up to make ANOTHER trip to the doc. Brad and Lorelei didn't go with me the first time, so this was only their first of the day.
All of technology decided to fail us today as well. We couldn't look up directions because the internet was not working, so we decided to get by on the GPS, which ended up taking us to the wrong location. Thankfully the cell phones did not fail us and we could call Sara with help on the directions. Thank you to the Checks!
After taking twice as long as we thought to get there, we walked into a waiting room PACKED FULL of people...Brad says 70 but I think more like 50 were there...either way it was A LOT. To top it all off there was probably only one other child there for something other than THE FLU! After waiting an hour (knowing we had at least another hour wait before we went in) we decided to ask the nurse if Lorelei would need stitches. She said no (although reminding us she was not a physician of course) so we decided to pack up and get out of the danger zone. Please keep us in your prayers that we did not catch anything while we were exposed.
Okay well not the most fun weekend report and we are really wishing we could rewind the day! At least we will get an extra hour next weekend. :)
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