Lorelei a year ago...6 months old! And now, posing with Elmo of course. :)
Its amazing to me to know we now have an 18 month old! It just sounds so old! :) I cannot believe how much has changed in a year.
We have had a busy week, but sadly I have not taken any pictures! Just a quick week update for you...
Monday - MOMS Club meeting where Lorelei did her usual run around the room like she owns the place, but thankfully many other children do this as well so she is fine. Then we made a quick Sam's run after.
Tuesday - Trip to the Lynnhaven mall where she got to ride the carousel and she loved it of course. This was her official 18 month birthday...woo hoo! She also showed me her toddler woes by walking down the mall away from the stroller and when I told her to stay with me and the stroller she shook her head "no" and walked off...immediately being put in the stroller of course. Thankfully "no" is not overused at our house...yet. :)
Wednesday - My doc appt to check the baby's heartbeat. Easy appointment compared to last time thankfully. Lorelei did well although a little bit nervous for me. She sat on my lap while they listened to the heart beat. Took her a while to find it (making me nervous of course) but she found it and it sounded great. Lorelei even made her "surprised face" when she heard it. :) The doc later said that it was hard to find the heartbeat because the baby was moving around so much - oh dear...another lively one I'm afraid! Maybe the gummy bear will mellow out when out of the womb? :) We can always hope.
Thursday - Lorelei's 18 month check up. She is now 33 and 5/8 inches long, which puts her in the 95% for her age. :) There was a two year old there for his 2 yr appt and she was the same height as he was. She did great with this appt and no shots! Unfortunately we found out she has a double ear infection, which she was giving no indication of except for the fact of being very cranky lately...can't exactly bring a child in because she is cranky, so I guess we are glad that we had the appt so that we can get it all cleared up. Lorelei is great about taking meds so she is just on antibiotics for the next week and a half.
Then we headed over to Sara and Lily's house for our usual Thursday play date. The kids seemed to do a great job doing their own thing and we moms actually got to take it easy. Then we were already running late and it took 20 minutes in the Walgreens drive-thru, so Lorelei proceeded to fall asleep in the car for about 15 minutes and then wanted nothing to do with a nap the rest of the day!
Friday - What a fun morning we had! We went to My Little Gym for a free trial class with friends Carly and Silas. The teacher was WONDERFUL and even knew our children's names even though there were lots of visitors and probably at least 20 parents/children in the class. Lorelei LOVED it and made me pretty sure we will have to get her in some classes next winter. She was just beaming with joy with that look of "mommy this is so much fun!" :) She enjoyed just running around doing the activities the teacher was doing and also climbing on the different equipment they had. She walked across the balance beam several times and loved hanging on the rings. Big hit and great way to burn off some energy after all these long winter days.

The other great part about today was that Lorelei took nearly a 3 hr nap, which has only happened maybe two other times in her life!? Very excited about that. Then she had a great time coloring with her dad after supper. Looking forward to a warmer weekend and some great family time. :)