We had the playground to ourselves for about 30 minutes before our friends from MOMS group arrived and Lorelei had fun going all over with no one around. I was amazed just watching her walk with her hair up and just kept thinking how old she looked! She had a great time with her friends when they came, including Isabelle (pictured bottom right) who is about 2 1/2 and always enjoys Lorelei...probably because they have similar personalities...they did some climbing around and screaming together. :)

Then we headed for a walk with Lily and Sara. This park has a great little nature trail with a type of board walk we can go on and both girls enjoyed that and also climbing up on the benches when we got to the end to look at the pond. Then they topped off the morning (actually I think it was 12:30 about this time) with one more donut to get them through the car ride home. :) Such cute girls in green. :)

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