We brought all our sand toys and hoped we could stay out of the water...well we did for the most part. Lorelei headed over to the water a couple of times and towards the end got her jeans soaked. She didn't seem to mind but Brad said it was FREEZING. I got out of going by wearing jeans. ;)
She was mostly just content to play in the sand, so we enjoyed almost 2 hrs just being outside.
Picture captions...1) Enjoying her new sand truck, which she thought she should ride on instead of use in the sand. 2) Very proud to be sitting on her sand bucket. If you remember she thinks everything in the world is meant for her to sit on. :) 3) This little boy made her want to go in the water even more...as you can tell her jeans are already wet but got even more soaked after wanting to copy this kido and get back out in the water.
Side notes:
We are so thankful for a wonderful Saturday because unfortunately it was followed by a lousy couple of days when ALL three of us had the flu. We are all doing much better but hope we don't have to go through that again anytime soon.
This poor girl is a real trooper. Not only has she been dealing with her first flu, but she also had her doc checkup and STILL has a double ear infection, so is on her second dose of antibiotics, which she is now basically refusing to take so we have to pin her down to do this. It smells nasty so I don't blame her. Hopefully at her next check up the ears will be all cleared up.
More fun note...her cough has finally seemed to go away thankfully! Thats all we need is a cough on top of everything else right? ;) Anyway during the cough spell she had, we taught her to "catch her cough" which is the new form of "cover your mouth" where you catch coughs and sneezes in your elbow/crook of your arm. She has actually gotten very good at this (so proud) and the cutest thing was when she saw me cough, she stuck out her arm for me to cough into it. :) What a sweetie!
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