Saturday morning started quite early when Lorelei woke up before 5 AM. Thankfully she played in her crib for about an hour, but we were still awake off and on, plus this made for a bit of a cranky toddler until nap time. :) We quickly came up with some things to do to keep us busy and hopefully avoid meltdowns. Brad and Lorelei took a walk to the grocery store for muffin mix so that she could splash through as many puddles as possible.
The rain boots are a huge hit and a great purchase from a consignment sale. They were the only boots there and just happened to be Lorelei's size! She has used them quite a bit already and we have at least another month and a half of puddles coming our way. It keeps her busy for at least 30 minutes or longer, so a great outdoor activity we can do even if it rains! Yesterday she started running for a puddle and I had to say "Wait! You don't have your rain boots on!" She stopped and looked down at her feet like "What good are you, tennis shoes?"
Side note - the pic of Brad helping Lorelei up the stairs shows her favorite way to get up those stairs...and even tries two at a time sometimes. :) It also reminded me of the picture of Brad carrying her up the first day we brought her home.
She was fascinated with the water running down the drain. Obviously "wa" is her word for water. It doubles for the word "walk" as well.
We actually let Lorelei help make the muffins...she was just more excited to get into everything on the counter she usually can't get. I don't ever do this when Brad isn't home, but glad we at least let her try this time...still have quite a ways to go before she can help much with this though. :)
We took yet another walk through puddles that afternoon. Mirinda, Jon and Isabelle came for a visit and we decided to head out to Mt. Trashmore to enjoy the day. Boy did we find out how many puddles they have to stomp through there! Plus it introduced her to a new thing...MUD!!! She enjoyed these huge puddles and even got a foot stuck in the mud at one point. We would have video taped it because it was hilarious but she was already getting unhappy and wanting us to help her out. Between the puddles and the dogs walking along it took quite some time to make it to the playground. Thankfully she was happy to ride in her stroller on the way home. So glad we can enjoy the simple things with this girl. :)
Love the boots!! Hope she doesn't go for the puddles or mud without them on!