Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lorelei Is Two and a Half!

And I cannot jot enough notes down to tell you everything about her!
Okay, so I came up with A LOT. This may be a two-day read. :)

This will be my attempt. :)

At 2 1/2 you...

Weigh 31 lbs and are 38 1/2 in tall. You wear size 3T clothing and everybody thinks you are 3. :)
(When measuring you, you then tried to measure me with the same measure and I asked "How tall is Mommy?" and you said "Too Big!" :) )

Know your colors pretty well...can point to them correctly when asked and can name them most of the time, but not always. :) You still seem to favor blue when picking out anything.

Have an expanding and great vocabulary. You talk nonstop and ask about a million questions a day. Right now your favorite is just plain "why?" to pretty much everything and anything you see. I feel like you speak well and most people can understand you. There are a few instances where it takes a few minutes, but you will repeat often or say "show you" if I'm not getting it. You speak in full sentences most of the time. You will say pretty much anything we ask you to!

Favorite Books - "Boo Boo Book" aka Dr. Daisy (a recent fav, which is either the best 25 cents I've spent at a sale or the worst, as this is one of those books you want ready every minute and it is one I don't really enjoy reading so will only ready it once a day usually! :) )
Princess Glitter Castle, Monster At The End Of This Book, We're Going On A Bear Hunt
You like a lot of different books, which we are thrilled about! You love for me to squish into your tiny kid-size bed and read with you, which I LOVE to do when I can. :)

Favorite Shows (in order of favorites) - Caillou, Curious George, Micky Mouse Clubhouse, Clifford, Handy Manny and Sesame Street - We have now gotten you down to an hour a day...30 minutes AM and 30 min PM, which I feel good about. Some rough days you may end up watching up to 2 hrs. You have gotten a lot better about not asking so much. You usually want to watch a show as soon as you wake up in the morning, and as soon as you wake up from nap. :) You remember a lot from each one and apply to things you do each day...many times you say "Like George or Like Caillou" when it is something that they do on the show.

Favorite Songs - Peanut Butter Jelly (hands down fav, but you always want to jump the "YEAH" at the end), Hot Dog (from Mickey), ABC's, Jesus Loves Me (when I asked you to sing to Makin this was what you started singing) I actually really need to work on getting us listening to more music. Hopefully your 3 yr post will have more songs!

Favorite Foods - Macaroni and Cheese (you want it morning, noon or night, and often request it for breakfast or snack), cereal or toast are breakfast favs. right now you are eating Crispix, Honey Bunches of Oats or Raisin Bran Crunch. I don't plan to let you in on the secret of kids cereals anytime soon. :), chicken nuggets, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, spaghetti and lasagna, of course any kind of snacks, sweet or salty, but you don't get them often. Love fruit, especially strawberries and apples. Not so big on the veggies...big surprise. ;)

Schedule: Up around 7:00 or 7:30 (thank goodness you learned to sleep in a bit!), nap around 1-1:30 for about an hour and a half usually, give or take 30 minutes, bedtime at 8, sometimes 7:30 if short nap or rough day

Play - You're pretending has grown leaps and bounds in the last few months. You like playing pretend and often have stuffed animals talk to each other. You also do this with little people, and of course, your cars...I mean they are for pretending and just vroom vrooming right? ;) Usually the conversation is "Whats your name?" Followed by something about getting a snack or going on some kind of adventure. :) You also love to play hide and seek and tag...but don't really get the whole concept yet.

Your memory is getting amazing. We can no longer get away with things as you will catch onto things and remember them. You can recap your day and do this with Daddy each night, but usually look to Mom to jog your memory of what we did, but then tell him about it with excitement. You do seem to conveniently forget certain things we have told you a million times though, which leads me to...

Exasperation - (Grandparents, skip to the next section if you wish. :) )
I feel I must blog this, so someday when you have a child like yourself, I can just show you this post and say...your fault. :) You are stubborn with a capital S! Of course we have known this for a while, but it is in full force these days. For example, we needed you to take your meds to help with the fever and you refused. We sent you to your bed and said you could not come out until you took your meds. We left you there an hour and a half before going in and forcing you to take them...I think you would have spent the entire afternoon in your bed! The other frustrations right now are mostly you yelling at us (no, etc) and yelling during fits, and also not listening when we tell you something. You have a short fuse and things quickly cause a melt down or tantrum. I am definitely NOT enjoying this part of your two's young lady, but I love you anyway.

You are very decisive, independent and not very shy most of the time. We hear, "I do dat!" and "Do it I-self" quite often. You now want to get dressed yourself, but get extremely mad when you can't get your pants over that diaper or arms in the shirt...we are working on it. :)

Speaking of diapers...still could care less about being wet or poopy. We are going to attempt potty training in a few weeks and try the "cold turkey"approach...more to come I'm sure.

As always, you still love being outside, and doing artsy things. When we combine them its even better.

You are a sweet big sister and give Makin a kiss on the head and try and include him in your play. You aren't a big fan of him pulling your hair, but tolerate it very well. You love to make him laugh.

You know feelings pretty well. Your favorite is "excited." You often say "I cited Mommy! I cited!" Happy is probably the second most used.

You love to be funny. You get the giggles sometimes now which is hilarious. If anyone is laughing you say, "What funny, Mommy/Daddy?"

When I explain something you say "Oh, I See That." No idea where you got that. :) One of your other fun sayings as of late is "Woo, woo! Fancy!" :)

"Uh Huh" has finally become "yes" or "yap" and No is sometimes "nope."

A few more Lor-isms: He Yelp! (help); Do Dats (goldfish); Prack (park); Flo Yets (flowers)

A couple of cute stories I'd like to remember:
One evening I was telling you that sometime we will go out for a girls night and do something fun. I asked what Daddy and Makin will do while we are gone and they have a boys night. Lor: "Play." Me: "Play what?" Lor: "Football." :)

Lor: "Mommy! Bug!"
Mom: "Oh yeah, its a dead bug."
Lor: (leans up close to it) "Hi dead bug!"

1 comment:

  1. What a great post for a sweet and independent girl! Love her. And I loved the "hi dead bug" line. Classic! :-)
