Weight - 18.2 lbs 60th %
Length - 27 in 70th %
Head - 17 3/8 60th %
At 6 Months You:
Know your name!!!
Pass things from one hand to another.
Work to get a toy out of reach...getting good at grabbing things, including small food, but just get in fist.
Are very excited about the whole eating-real-food thing. :)
Love to get a reaction out of us, whether it is making your parents laugh, or picking on your sister by pulling her hair.
Bury your face into my arm when being rocked...thinking you will want a nice dark room someday. :)
Now have two teeth showing! They are still working on getting all the way out, but they are there! You seemed to be bothered a lot by the teething, but then at your appointment we found out you had an ear infection...sorry little man!
Sleep...ugh. I will try to blame the ear infection and teething, but sleep has been a bear over the last month. You had several weeks of sleeping through the night, then started waking up again, then a few more days without, then would still wake up. Hope we get it normal soon! We even bought a mobile to attempt to help with this...it does sometimes. And naps...well you mostly just want to cat nap unless I will rock you the entire time. I usually do this while Lorelei is sleeping...but pretty soon I will have to get tough. :( Not looking forward to it. You now wake up when we get somewhere, so the carseat stays in the car.
As for eating...it went down a LOT with the ear infection. You preferred your oatmeal over drinking for obvious reasons. I cannot begin to think what your amount is now, but you like your real food and still seem to be hungry at least every 4 hours but can definitely last longer if distracted.
Imitate us shaking our head and almost seem to understand when we say "shake head". You love that we think it is funny and get a huge smile on your face.
Still taking 3-4 naps, but would be down to three for sure if you took a decent one! :)
You love all the hand/eye coordination and control you have now, and want to play with toys all the time. You would rather be sitting up to do all of this. The pediatrician was not worried in the slightest that you have not rolled over.
Now wearing 9 month clothes.
So far only consonant I have heard you say is L. Must be all that "LORELEI!" You heard in the womb. :)
And since your doc appointment, ear infection diagnosis and shots weren't enough, we decided to try baby food for your 6 month birthday! First food: sweet potatoes! Daddy got to pick and we waited to give it a try until he could be home to see it. He gave you your first bite, but Lorelei really wanted to. You ate the whole container and were ready for more...none of these small containers for you! The pediatrician basically told me not to worry about the rules of trying one food for three days like we did with big sister...that's "old school" so your first few days of food you had the sweet potatoes, you also enjoyed peas, peaches, mashed potatoes and pears (they are your fav it seems so far). I have also tried a few finger foods like a banana, pasta and Puffs. You are a hungry boy!
So big, so handsome and so sweet!