The plan is supposed to involve spending a three day weekend potty training, which requires Lorelei to be NAKED which is supposed to be enticing for this age. :) Plus, it just gives them no choice and they realize what is going on. If it were up to her, she would leave her diaper on all the time and sit in it wet or poopy forever. No willpower...she would rather concentrate on playing and not worry about running to the potty. The first full day we were amazed at how well she did, she actually realized when she needed to go and pointed to the potty, then ran there after instructed. Things are slowing down a bit as it gets old, and she is very unhappy about us sending her to the potty. The doctor recommended air for her bottom as she has had a terrible rash for a long time now, so that is helping keep us motivated.
The potty chart...I know this is the worlds ugliest potty chart, but I had to use what paper I had sitting around (left over from the March place mat of course) and I'm far from artistic. :) But it does the job! After 5 stickers (one sticker for pee and two for poop) she gets a new book. I was thrilled to find quite a few books at the consignment sale, so have a stash saved to pull out as needed. Then after 30 stickers she gets a bigger reward, the first being a Little People surprise, then a dinosaur (like Caillou, at Lor's request) and then after filling the chart she gets a trip to Chuck E Cheese (her dream place to go eat). After that... who knows but I will do another chart if necessary! Figure its always good to encourage peeing and reading right. :)

Oh and of course she is supposed to eat lots of salty food, which will make her thirsty, therefore need to pee more often, therefore learning how to go to the potty after doing it often...need to work on that part. Not sure this will happen in three days since we are not following "the plan" to the letter and going out of the house Sunday evening...but we are going to try it this way and then I can always stay home three full days and stick to it better if needed. We'll keep you posted I'm sure!
Way to go, Lor! An ugly potty chart is better than no potty chart (my kids). :-)