Now, for the fun. :)
When we arrived Saturday, A.J. was just heading out to go play and march for the football game. The kids loved getting a chance to see him play a few notes for them first, and then play in the leaves. (Which we have none of yet at home...and not that many big trees, so it was quite exciting!) Lorelei loved finding a few bugs and watching them. Makin loved smashing you can see the picture of Lorelei trying to keep him away from her precious bugs. :)

A.J. choreographed the second half of the bands half-time performance, so we were very excited that we were able to see that at the game. He got a good taste of what he probably has coming up teaching with the students not remembering it very well...and we were all bummed that they dressed in costume instead of uniforms. I was impressed by it and can't wait to watch more some day when he is doing this full time! :)

Lorelei did great at the game (for a three year old, with no nap I might add) and loved watching and cheering with the cheer leaders (Yay!), and also playing with another girl in front of us. Makin...lets just say I was quickly reminded the trials of toting a 1 year old to a game...grumpy and crying. I finally drove him around in the car in the parking lot for a quick nap. Then he was still not happy, so Brad decided to try a hot dog, even though he had been refusing the snacks I had packed. That finally worked until after half and his teeth started chattering. Brad and Dad stayed to finish the game and the rest of us headed to the hotel, where we all eventually enjoyed pizza and great visiting.
Sunday morning we enjoyed visiting A.J.'s church (where they even did hand-bells, yep we got to see EVERY job A.J. does around there!) and Lorelei had a nice chat with the pastor during the children's sermon. :) After nap Lorelei loved swimming with Brad, but it was too cold for Makin this time.
The recital was that evening.

We were so glad to see what an amazing job A.J. did! :) We are so proud of you!
Great to get a family picture.
Thanks for the great visit Mom, Dad, Heather and A.J.!