The title is what Lorelei calls Makin probably 85% of the time. Definitely his most popular nickname from his sis.
And as for the smile at the sink...the whole wanting to do whatever his sister does doesn't stop at learning how to of course, we have to climb up the step stool and wash our hands...think I better get used to this stuff. And yes, he has fallen a few times. Doesn't stop him.
His ornery side is shining through. He loves to run away when we are trying to dress him. At the library I caught him in the aisle next to us with a little grin as we were looking for him, just waiting for us to find him hiding. He also tries to provoke his sister into chasing/running etc around the house.
When he holds his hands up for us to pick him up, he flaps them...okay hard to describe, maybe I'll get a video. :) Flaps just the hands, not the arms. :)
Truck books. Is there any other book on the planet? I could now probably tell you every construction vehicle we pass and make at least a B on a pop quiz about trucks.
Very much into communicating and getting you to give him what he wants. Points, drags, get the idea. Like the extra communicating I guess but boy its hard to get two seconds to do something without one kid asking for something! :)
He thinks hitting is fun. Working hard to break this habit. As a result, when you tell him to tell Lorelei he is sorry, he will give her a hug.
Seems determined to convince me to start a special savings account for his food intake as a teenager. One meal example would be (I think this was the biggest one and I managed to jot it down) entire can of pears, 1 string cheese, 1 graham cracker, handfuls of Cheerios, followed by a heaping bowl of spaghetti. And he is way pickier about his fruit. He went a month or two refusing to eat a bite of banana. Now, he will eat two a day. I think he saw the monkey's eating them on his wall and decided banana's were cool after all. ;)
Mr. May is adorable with that monkey on his head!! And I love the look on his face in that last picture.