Our Saturday started with Brad heading to Lowes to get plywood to put down the section of our attic that is above the garage. We definitely need some storage and I'm tired of being so squished in the garage, so this was high on the to-do list. Then as he got home we ended up having a sick little girl again...but it was one of those times where she was sick but I had to keep telling her to take it easy and rest...so I'm not sure what was up, but by nap time she was doing pretty good and we were very thankful we didn't need to take a Saturday trip into the pediatrician! I am armed and ready with that Pedialyte all the time now and have a routine pretty well set. :)
And Makin enjoyed some lazy time since big sis was watching TV. He loves the Glowdoodle and I love it because he can't draw on the walls! :) Both kids got a little much-needed cuddle time with Daddy before his trip to Colorado.

Most of the day they were underfoot as he worked on the attic. I had to help a bit too, so we just put a gate up at the front door so they could still be there but not be in the way too much. It worked, but boy were we wishing we had some grandparents nearby for babysitting!
Soooo thankful that Brad got it finished after many hours of hard work (and it was NOT as cool as we would have liked the temps to be, which is why this wasn't done earlier...way too hot in that attic!)
Before/After...Now if only all our junk was up there already!!! And yes, I know...the cords!!! Now you see why his job was extra difficult. We are gonna have to figure out a way to get around them though. No where else to go! See the white insulation in the corner? That is all over the rest of the attic.

We finished off our day with Anthony coming over to watch the Husker game. But not before being roped into a quick game of softball. :)

Lorelei got her stuffed animals taken away for a week...so this morning when I asked what she should wear to church today she said, "It church day?" And I said, "yep" She said, "Yay!!!! I get my stuffed animals back today!!!" She asked about them almost every day and was pleased as punch to have her many puppies back and even ate breakfast with them. Guess we know what is the good thing to take away from now on! :)

Sunday was a cloudy dreary day and I was not happy because Brad had to leave for the airport in the afternoon. However, we decided it was still important to go to church and ended up going to the late service and helping set up the "pumpkin patch" afterwards, which we had been wanting to help with. We have a hard time figuring out where to get involved in church and its hard to get involved with two little ones, but it was nice to finally pitch in and help out...in the pouring rain. Pouring. Rain. For two hours! The kids had a ball, we all got completely soaked and finally at around 1:45 the kids and I headed to the car and then picked Brad up a bit after 2 so we could head home for him to pack up for his trip.

This also meant we decided to skip Lorelei's nap altogether and Makin only got about 30 minutes of sleep all day. Great. ;) The afternoon/night actually went really well with minimal melt downs. We shall see how tomorrow goes. :)
And what a great way to finish off the night. :) Nothing beats bath time giggles. :)
Okay, of course I am having trouble editing a video that is super cute and Brad is not here to help...SO I'm going to post this and put the video at the end of it when I can get a phone consult. Just figured you may as well read the rest of it for now. :)
Definitely a whirlwind weekend! I love the pics of the wet kids -- what fun!