Weekend Plan A: Family fun activity - Dallas Farmers Market early Saturday morning.
Chores - Brad get hair cut, Brad get fitted for his tux...you get the idea, lots of chores to get done and all involving Brad in one way or another, which is why they weren't done before this.

Weekend Plan B: (more like plan forced upon me and B stands for Blahhhhh) Brad sick for 48 hours. Makin woke up Saturday morning at 5:30 AM (leaving me no time to shower I might add) Lorelei up at 6. By 8 I had resolved to loose my grumpiness and get on with it (sorry it takes me 2 hours to come to grips with my depressing new plan) and then luckily Jen calls a little after 8 to get us some info I requested and also mentioned they were going to story time if we wanted to join. Thank goodness we have

one friend here! (And look the lady even had a puppy puppet! Lorelei is the one on the left in the pink shirt, sorry I was on the back wall so Makin could walk around a bit and Jen sat with the girls.) It was a wonderful story time and look forward to going to that library much more when we are moved as it is closer to our new house. Then we had lunch at McDonalds. And since watching both kids on my own all day wasn't enough I decided to top the day off with a massive grocery shopping trip to Walmart and got all of it upstairs (hopefully the last time for this!) and unpacked by around 11 pm.
Sunday, Brad still sick. We went to church on our own and then Brad finally became human again after nap Sunday. We survived. The haircut and measurements will be pushed onto lunch breaks and we will get more done as we can. :) Man I'm not good at Plan Bs!

A few fun quotes after this depressing blog entry!
(I fall on pot/pan from play kitchen and am in extreme pain.)
Lorelei: "Thats why we have to clean up!"
Lorelei: "Cheeto!" (To the cheetah in the Noah's ark)
(After I order my Starbucks treat.)
L: "Mom, I want a latte."
"That coffee? It wake you up?"
Me: "Dad has to get his hair cut."
Lor: "He ride in a big car?"
(Brad and I looking at each other completely perplexed, then suddenly it clicks.)
Me: "No, he just sits in a chair to get his hair cut." :)
(In case you don't remember, they have kid's cars for them to sit in while getting their hair cut at her hair cut place...so why shouldn't her dad sit in a car too? I told her his place was not nearly as cool as her place.)