We were soooooo thankful for my mom and sister who came up Friday night to help us with the move. It worked well because Saturday morning the kids ate breakfast stunned while watching the movers pack up everything, and then I drove them to the house for Nana and Aunt Heather to play with them so they were out of the way. They played in the pool, played with a few toys (did no pack enough as it took a loooong time!), took a walk, and eventually finally got everyone to sleep just as we were getting there with the movers a few minutes behind us.
They helped make the transition so much easier on those couple of crazy days. We spent Sunday unpacking and got the kitchen totally ready. (And since many of you have helped pack or unpack my kitchen, you know that is a big job!) But, after all food is the priority. :) Mom even made sloppy joes and cookies and brought them along...not to mention the cheese curds they brought me from their Wisconsin trip!
Big thanks to both of these special ladies. We love you and our kids love you. Cannot wait for a visit when its just fun stuff! :)
Looks like Nana had fun with the kiddos!