Today we were very excited to have lunch with Jerry and Joyce (AKA The Stegers)!
Okay, so this is gonna take some back story. :)
Back in a time that seems soooo long ago, we were kid-free and living in Columbus, NE before our move to Virginia. This is the only place where people know us strictly as an adult couple, not knowing us as kids and not knowing us as parents, so it is a group of people we look forward to getting to see on occasion now that we are closer. Anyway, a young couple doesn't stand much of a chance of making friends, especially when I was only substitute teaching and the youngest of Brad's coworkers was 20 years his senior.
So, we were very blessed to eventually meet people through our church. First Verna (another dear friend I cannot wait to put a blog post about when they can come visit!) got me started with VBS and around the same time we also started getting to know Jerry and Joyce. While I was subbing at the Lutheran school, I ran into Joyce in the teacher's lounge who asked about us responding to a letter/email (don't remember which) we had received to help start a plant church. This is a church that our church was starting that was geared to the unchruched and dechurched of the area and was going to have a whole different way of doing things. Brad and I had assumed that everyone in church received the letter and had not given it much thought since we knew it was one year commitment and we wanted to get out of Nebraska. Joyce let me know they had to select certain people they thought would be a good fit. Soon we met with them and, after making it clear we were moving to the beach asap if Brad found the right job, we agreed to help as long as we were there. What an experience we had! We were so privileged to be a part of it and are so excited about how much it has grown. We also added to getting to know each other when Joyce broke her leg and I took over subbing in her class to finish the school year. They are such an influential couple and touch everyone they meet. :) We are so blessed to call them friends.
Needless to say, we are beyond thrilled that this amazing couple is now moving to the Dallas area! Both of their kids live here, so they have decided they are going to see what God has in store for them in Texas so they can be near their kids and new grandbaby. (Arriving around Dec 1st but I'm rooting for Nov. 30th and I'm sure his mom will agree with me. :) ) Lorelei and Makin are already buddies with them and we look forward to many more great times getting together!
How wonderful that they're in Dallas!