We were lucky enough to have Brad home an extra day on Tuesday, as he was owed some hours off for overtime at work. We decided to make it an "only fun stuff" day together and enjoy the pools and movie theater while we are still here to use them. While we did do a few chores (note to self, next family fun day should not follow busy holiday where you run out of milk and have dishes left to do) it was just during nap, and the kids had all fun.
Lovin the big pool!

She is absolutely thrilled with her new floatie. Great for getting her practice swimming and makes me feel much better taking them both into the big pool.

Spent some time in the sand and just happened to be there while they were cleaning it out from the weekend. (The sand ends up in the pool of course.) We made sure to dig a nice big hole to catch all the water he was splashing out while getting the sand out. Makin loved his sand/mud bath and Lorelei liked making mud soup. We had to chuckle when Brad offered to help Lorelei build a sand castle and she replied, "I don't need you Daddy." We just sat back and relaxed while we had the chance. :)

After nap Lorelei and Brad headed to the mini theater to watch "Open Season" and had a good time there too. Brad said she did great while the popcorn lasted. :) Hoping maybe she and I will get a chance to go once more and watch a girly princess movie. :)
So thankful for extra time together and a short week coming up!
Yay for extra days off and fun family days! Lor looks so happy in the pool.