Monday, April 4, 2016


After several days of late nights with all the fun we have been having, I opted not to keep the kids up late for bluebonnet pictures, even though evening is really the best natural lighting. So, we took advantage of our flexible schedule and did a before-schoolwork photo shoot early(ish) in the morning. (Next best natural lighting.) There is a hill just about 10 minutes from our house that is usually covered in bluebonnets. This year they were quite a bit more spread out and not nearly as full and tall as they have been previous years. (I realized a bit later I probaby should have waited a week or so longer and perhaps they would be bigger...but we probably won't try again.) I decided to call this "good enough" for this year. :) So here are our bluebonnet pictures!

(We couldn't ask for a prettier state flower!)

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