Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Makin at 7

Hamming It Up.
(Which he seems to do a lot at this age.)
He found a rock painted like a pizza slice in the stream.
Makin at 7 you...

Are a complete sweet heart, with more patience than anyone else in the family.

Are a great leader, and also know how to respect other people's opinions.

Love all things science. You love doing experiments. Your brain loves to problem-solve and figure things out.

Think robots are super-cool and want to invent your own.

Still know just when Mommy needs a hug.

Like speed and action.

Spend most of your spare time playing Legos.

Caught A Frog In The Pool
Want to try all sports. You are likely trying golf next followed by baseball. You love to watch the Husker football games with your dad. I'm always amazed how much you know about the games.

Prefer math and science when it comes to school, writing is your least favorite subject.

Love to be funny.

Love cats.

Have great facial expressions.

Pray from your heart. Your genuine prayers make my heart melt. Mrs. White noticed too. "He has such a heart for the Lord." This was was her comment when talking about your prayers at school.


"Did your heart tell your brain?"

"I was off by a teenth!" (Discussing that Mother's Day was May 14th and Makin said the 4th)

"I'm so hungry I could eat two cars!"

"Ugh. My name is a rule-breaker!"

"How much train fat is it?"

(After filling up with gas at the gas station...)
Makin: 34 dollars!? Oh my GOSH! I am NOT getting a car. I'm getting a motorcycle. Or a truck.
Me. Trucks are worse.
Makin: Ok. I'm getting a pogo stick.
Me: What about when you have kids?
Makin: They will have their own pogo sticks.

"I'm as full as a cucumber!"

"It's a compliment. Not a disclament."

Makin: It ain't?
Me: Ain't?!? Where did you get that from?
Makin: Hank (as in, The Cowdog)

(Hungry-for-lunch kids, errand running)
Makin: Just so you know, you are risking our lives for library books.
Me: Well, at least you aren't dramatic.
Makin: I'm being realistic.

Me: Kids shouldn't have caffeine because it keeps them from growing like they should.
Makin: Did your parents give you caffeine when you were a kid then?

"I'm carbed out." (Lately this is said at least once a week.)

Me: How to you spell Robyn's last name?
Makin: I don't know, I'm only seven!

Me: Thats a big bowl of grapes.
Makin: I know. I ate you out of house and home with them.

Makin's Seven Year Interview
Favorites -
Food: Mac N Cheese
Place: (This one was a doosy to get an answer for) Main Event
Movie/TV Show: Nexo Knights and Dude Perfect
Color: Green
Thing To Do: Build with Legos
Animal: Cat
Books: Piggie and Gerald and Magic Tree House
Song: Nexo Knights Theme Song
Treat: Reeses Pieces or Reeses Peanut Butter Cup
Holiday: Christmas

What do you like to do with Daddy? Build

What do you like to do with Mommy? Cuddle

What do you like to do with Lorelei? Play Puppy and Kitty

What makes you happy? Cuddling with Sea Horsey

What do you think about before you fall asleep? The next day.

What do you want to be when you grow up? An electrical and robotical engineer

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